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Words In Performance - A Spoken Word Competition

Lapidus International are really excited to announce our next competition – a spoken word competition! This competition will be for videos of up to three minutes long that are about lived experience  stories of using creativity for your wellbeing.


Guest Judge: Kiz Bangerh, Lapidus Director of Community

Kiz Bangerh Photo

When her sister Promila died in 2000, Kiz Bangerh experienced the power of expressive writing to heal grief and trauma. A graduate of Metanoia’s Masters in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes, she currently facilitates writing for wellbeing with: offenders, homeless people and those experiencing poor mental health. Having researched Rap’s therapeutic potential for her thesis, in 2012 she founded Hip Hop HEALS - a project that promotes Hip Hop’s healing powers within the helping professions. During her previous career, Kiz taught English and Drama at secondary level before moving on to education and outreach in the cultural sector. She still tutors Looked After Children today and works freelance as a supply teacher in her spare time.


A Moment of Kindness Flyer


- The video must be up to 3 minutes long – longer entries will not be accepted.

- The contents of the video are up to you – poetry, storytelling, a rap, show us your creativity!

- Videos do no need to be technical marvels - we are happy for you to film on your phone/ tablet.

- Your spoken word poetry could share lived experience stories of using creativity to deal with personal adversity or success 

- Tell us how being creative helped you heal and connect with yourself and your feelings. 

Your video might contain a rap/song/spoken word poem that:
 1. describes your own personal experience of loss and how it affected your writing - were you blocked or relieved?
 2. shares your innermost thoughts whilst flower arranging /decorating /baking/ cooking for a celebration - what were you thinking as you prepared and worked? 
 3. relays your feelings before/after making a last supper for someone, before they departed from your life temporarily or permanently
 4. shouts out about the horror of an accident you were involved in, and the impact writing had on your recovery
5. celebrate a painting you created for a loved one, maybe a new addition to the family or a lover?

- If you use music, it must be quiet enough to hear the words you are articulating.

- We aren’t looking for music videos!

- Participants must be over 18

- The cost of the competition is £3 – you do not have to be a Lapidus member to apply.

- Pay through the pay button on the right and submit your video along with a headshot and bio of 50 words to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Closing Date: January 31st 2020



The winner will win a £50 prize and their video will be shared on the Lapidus International's website.


Run into trouble?

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will try our best to help you out!


How to Submit:

- Use the Paypal link to pay for the £3 submission fee (One submission fee = One submission). You can submit up to three videos.

- Please email: your name, your Paypal receipt number, and your video to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Video too big for an email? Not a problem! You can send your video to us with the following methods:



WeTransfer off a free service for sending files up to 2GB in size to an email of your choice. You can find WeTransfer's website here:



If you have a youtube account (they come free with addresses) you can upload your video to your account as an 'Unlisted' (not Private or Public) video and send us the link. This way, we can watch your video on Youtube. You can find out more about uploading Unlisted videos here.


Submit here:

One submission to the Words In Performance Spoken Word Competition (£3):