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27 minutes reading time (5420 words)

Bibliography – what are your key sources?

Bibliography – what are your key sources?



Originally compiled in 2003 by Dr Maria Antoniou, this list is intended to be of use to all members of Lapidus - including writers, therapists, service users, academics and those with a personal interest in using ‘creative words for health and well-being’. As such, a diverse range of material is included.

Many of the materials listed could be classified in several categories. However, each text is listed only once – in the category that seems to best describe its content and potential audience / use. Where all of the chapters of an edited collection are potentially suitable for inclusion in this list, only the book title is listed.

There are inevitably gaps. Many subjects remain un(der)-represented. These omissions point to areas where more writing and research work is needed.


Addiction Arts in healthcare Auto/biography and memoir Bereavement, death and grief Bodies and embodiments Children and young adults Creativity / ‘the creative self’ Disabled people (physical and learning disabilities) Drama Eating disorders Gender Hospice care Illness and health Journal writing Letter-writing Mental health Older People Parenting Personal development and self-help Poetry Prisons Professional development (healthcare and therapy) ‘Race’, ethnicity and racism Reading Research Sexuality Spirituality and religion Story-telling and narrative therapy Survivors (of childhood abuse) Use of writing in therapy

List of written materials (alphabetically by subject)


  • J. Diamond (2000) Narrative means to sober ends: treating addiction and Its aftermath New York: Guilford Press
  • D. Kamisnky (1996) ‘Treating alcoholism through a narrative approach: case study and rationale’ Canadian Family Physician, 42, pp. 673-676.
  • L. Schierse Leonard (2001) Witness to the fire: creativity and the veil of addiction Boston: Shambhala
  • D. Waller and J. Mahoney (eds, 1999) Treatment of addiction: current issues for arts therapies New York and London: Routledge

Arts in healthcare

  • S. Applebaum (1995) Out in innerspace: a psychoanalyst explores the alternate therapies Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson
  • A. Dix (1995) ‘Does NHS art make you sick?’ The Health Service Journal, 105 (5477), pp. 22-25.
  • R. Dynes (2001) Creative writing in groupwork Bicester, Oxon: Speechmark Publishing
  • D. Haldane and S. Loppert (eds, 1999) The arts in health care: learning from experience London: King's Fund
  • C. Kaye and T. Blee (eds, 1997) The arts in health care: a palette of possibilities London: Jessica Kingsley
  • S. K. Levine and E. G. Levine (eds, 1998) Foundations of expressive arts therapy: theoretical and clinical perspectives London: Jessica Kingsley
  • B. McDonnell (1996) Serious fun: the arts in primary health care Dewsbury: Yorkshire and Humberside Arts
  • S. McNiff (1992) Art as medicine: creating a therapy of the imagination Boston: Shambhala
  • M. Miles (1990) Arts in primary health care Dundee: British Health Care Arts
  • L. Moss (1987) Art for health's sake Dunfirmline, Fife: The Carnegie United Kingdom Trust
  • J. Palmer and F. Nash (1991) The hospital arts handbook Durham, NC: Duke University Press
  • M. Rigler (1997) ‘The arts as medicine (a postcard from Withymoor Village Surgery’ British Journal of General Practice, 47 (423), pp. 684-685
  • Fiona Sampson (ed, 2003) Creative writing in health and social care London: Jessica Kingsley
  • P. Senior and R. Croall (1993) Helping to heal: the arts in health care London: Calouste Gulbenkian
  • P. Senior (2000) A powerful force for good: culture, health and the arts symposium - an anthology Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University
  • R. Ulrich (1984) "View through a window may influence recovery from surgery". Science, 224, pp. 420 -421.

Auto/biography and memoir

  • J. Barrington (1997) Writing the memoir: from truth to art Oregon: Eighth Mountain Press
  • J. E. Birren and Kathryn N. Cochran (2001) Telling the stories of life through guided autobiography groups London: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • M.R. Chandler (1990) A healing art: regeneration through autobiography New York and London: Garland
  • P.J. Eakin (1985) Fictions of the self: studies in the art of self-invention Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press
  • M. P. Freeman (1993) Rewriting the self: history, memory, narrative New York: Routledge.
  • J.V. Gunn (1982) Autobiography: towards a poetics of experience Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
  • C. Hunt (1997) ‘Finding a voice, exploring the self: autobiography and imagination in a writing apprenticeship’ Auto/Biography, 1 (3), pp. 169-179.
  • C. Hunt (2000) Therapeutic dimensions of autobiography in creative writing London : Jessica Kingsley
  • D. J. Lee (ed, 1994) Life and story: autobiographies for a narrative psychology Westport, CT: Praeger
  • G. C. Rosenwald and R.L. Ochberg (eds, 1992) Storied lives: the cultural politics of self-understanding New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  • T. Shapiro (1993) ‘On reminiscences’, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 41 (2), pp. 395-421.

Bereavement, death and grief

  • L. Bregman & S. Thiermann (1995) First person mortal: personal narratives of illness, dying, and grief London and New York: Continuum Intl
  • A. Gersie (1994) Storymaking in bereavement: dragons fight in the meadow London: Jessica Kingsley
  • G. T. Harris (1993) ‘A permit to grieve’ Journal of Poetry Therapy, 7 (1), pp.45-9.
  • C. G. Stiles (1995) ‘The myriad forms of magic: a narrative on poetry and grief’ Journal of Poetry Therapy, 8 (3), pp.143-48.
  • S. McQuaide (1995) ‘Storying the suicide of one’s child’, Clinical Social Work Journal, 23 (4), pp. 417-428.
  • M. A. Sedney, J. E. Baker and E. Gross (1994) ‘ “The story” of a death: Therapeutic considerations with bereaved families’, Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 20 (3), pp. 287-296.
  • S. Zimmermann (2002) Writing to heal the soul: transforming grief and loss through writing California: Three Rivers Press

Bodies and embodiments

  • L. Bartal and N. Ne'eman (1993) The metaphoric body: guide to expressive therapy through images and archetypes London: Jessica Kingsley
  • D. Halprin (2002) The expressive body in life, art, and therapy: working with movement, metaphor and meaning London: Jessica Kingsley
  • J. Lee, with C. Miller-Kritsberg (1994) Writing from the body NewYork: St. Martin’s Press

Children and young adults

  • J. A. Atlas, P. Smith and L. Sessoms (1992) ‘Art and poetry in brief therapy of hospitalised adolescents’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 19, pp. 279-283.
  • J. L. Biever (1995) ‘Stories and solutions in psychotherapy with adolescents’, Adolescence, 30 (118), pp. 491-499.
  • A Cattanach (1995) ‘Drama and play therapy with young children’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 22 (3), pp. 223-228.
  • R. A. Gardner (1993) Storytelling in psychotherapy with children Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson
  • A.Hobday and K. Ollier (1999) Creative therapy: with children & adolescents Atlanta, Georgia: Humanics Publishing Group
  • K. C., Hoggan and C. J Strong (1994) ‘The magic of “once upon a time”: narrative teaching strategies’ Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 25 (2), pp. 76-89.
  • W. McGinley and G. Kamberelis (1996) ‘Maniac Magee and Ragtime Tumple: children negotiating self and world through reading and writing’ Research in the Teaching of English, 30 (1), pp.75-113
  • J. Nikkah and L. Furman (eds, 2000) Our boys speak: adolescent boys write about their inner lives New York: St. Martins Press
  • D. Plummer (1998) Using interactive imagework with children: walking on the magic mountain London: Jessica Kingsley
  • M. Saunderland and N. Armstrong (2001) Storybooks for troubled children Bicester, Oxon: Speechmark Publishing (book series)
  • M. Saunderland (2001) Using storytelling as a therapeutic tool with children Bicester: Speechmark Publishing
  • S. Shandler (1999) Ophelia speaks: adolescent girls write about their search for self New York: Perennial
  • D.A. Sosin (1983) ‘The diary as a transitional object in female adolescent development’, Adolescent Psychiatry, 11, pp. 92-103.

Creativity / ‘the creative self’

  • R. Allen (2003) The playful way to knowing yourself: a creative workbook to inspire self-discovery Boston: Mariner Books
  • M. T. Beam (2001) Celebrate your creative self: over 25 exercises to unleash the artist within Ohio: Northlight Books
  • J. Cameron (1995) The artist’s way: a course in developing and recovering your creative self London: Pan Books
  • J. Cameron (1997) The vein of gold: a journey to your creative heart London: Pan
  • J. Cameron (2002) Walking in this world: practical strategies for creativity London: Rider
  • C.P. Estes (1991) The creative fire: myths and stories about the cycles of creativity Boulder, CO: Sounds True Recordings (audio cassettes)
  • N. Goldberg (1986) Writing down the bones: freeing the writer within Boston: Shambhala
  • N. Goldberg (1990) Wild Mind: living the writer’s life New York: Bantam Books
  • E. Maisel (2000) The creativity book: a years worth of inspiration and guidance New York: J.P. Tarcher
  • L. Saunders (ed, 1987) Glancing fires: an investigation into women’s creativity London: The Women’s Press

People with physical and learning disabilities

  • A.M. Fosburgh (2000) A cow! and other poems: autism: through a mother's eyes
  • L. Keith (ed, 1996) ‘What happened to you?’ writing by disabled women New York: New Press
  • C. Romkema (2002) Embracing the sky: poems beyond disability London: Jessica Kingsley
  • C. Smith (2003) Writing and developing social stories: practical intervention in autism Bicester: Speechmark
  • S. Tremain (ed, 1996) Pushing the limits: disabled dykes produce culture London: The Women’s Press
  • J. Ward (ed, 1989) Secret Lives: an anthology of poetry and prose exploring the emotional concerns of people with learning disabilities Wakefield: Yorkshire Art Circus
  • J. Ward (ed, 2004) Me and my world: a poetry resource book for learners with special needs London: The Poetry Society


  • C. E. Bouzoukis (2001) Pediatric dramatherapy: they couldn't run, so they learned to fly London: Jessica Kingsley
  • A. Chesner (1994) Dramatherapy for people with learning disabilities: a world of difference London: Jessica Kingsley
  • S. Ernst and L. Goodison (1981) ‘All the world’s a stage: psychodrama’ in S. Ernst and L. Goodison (eds) In our own hands: a book of self-help therapy London: The Women’s Press, pp.194-212
  • R. Grainger (1995) Drama and healing: The roots of drama therapy London: Jessica Kingsley
  • S. Jennings (1992) Dramatherapy with families, groups and individuals: waiting in the wings London: Jessica Kingsley
  • S. Jennings (1993) A handbook of dramatherapy London: Jessica Kingsley
  • P. F. Kellermann (1992) Focus on psychodrama: the therapeutic aspects of psychodrama London: Jessica Kingsley
  • R. Landy (1996) Essays in drama therapy: the double life London: Jessica Kingsley
  • R. J. Landy (2002) ‘Sifting through the images: a drama therapist's response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 29 (3), pp.135-141.
  • R. J. Landy (1997) ‘Drama therapy: the state of the art’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 24 (1), pp. 5-15.
  • S. Mitchell (ed, 1995) Dramatherapy: clinical studies London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Z. T. Moreno et al (eds, 2000) Psychodrama with trauma survivors London: Jessica Kingsley
  • J. Pearson (ed, 1996) Discovering the self through drama and movement: The sesame approach London: Jessica Kingsley
  • J. Thompson (1999) Drama workshops for anger management and offending behaviour London: Jessica Kingsley
  • N. Wilkinson, S. Srikumar, K. Shaw and M. Orrell (1998) ‘Drama and movement therapy in dementia: a pilot study’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 25 (3), pp. 195-201.

Eating disorders

  • D. Dokter (ed, 1994) Arts therapies and clients with eating disorders: fragile board London: Jessica Kingsley
  • D. Epston, F. Morris and R. Maisel (1995) ‘A narrative approach to so-called anorexia/bulimia’, Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 7 (1/2), p.69.
  • S. R. Makin (1999) More than just a meal: the art of eating disorders London: Jessica Kingsley
  • G. Parry-Crooke and J. Ryan (1989) Evaluation of self-help therapy groups for women with compulsive eating problems London: Health Education Authority M. Villapiano and L. J. Goodman (2001) Eating disorders: the journey to recovery workbook New York: Brunner-Routledge
  • A. A. Johnston (1996) Eating in the light of the moon: how women can let go of compulsive eating through metaphor and storytelling Sacramento: Citadel Press


  • S. Borges (1995). ‘Women’s narratives in primary care medical encounters’, Women and Health, 23 (1), pp. 29-56.
  • M. P. Henehan (2003) Integrating spirit and psyche: using women's narratives in psychotherapy New York: Haworth Press
  • C. Knudson Martin (1995). ‘Wild (powerful) women: restorying gender patterns’ Contemporary Family Therapy, 17 (1), pp.93-107.
  • K. Snow (1992) Writing yourself home: A woman's guided journey of self discovery Berkeley: Conari Press
  • G. Wilentz (2001) Healing narratives: women writers curing cultural disease Rutgers University Press
  • J.K. Wright (1999) ‘Uses of writing to counter the silence of oppression: counselling women at the University of the South Pacific’, Pacific Health Dialogue, 6 (2), pp. 305-310.
  • J.K. Wright (2000) ‘Using writing in counselling women at work’, Changes, 18 (4), pp. 264-273.

Hospice care

  • D. McLoughlin (1997) ‘Teaching writing in a hospice day centre’ Writing in Education 11 pp. 7-9 D.
  • McLoughlin (2000) ‘Transition, transformation and the art of losing: some uses of poetry in hospice care for the terminally ill’ Psychodynamic Counselling, 6 (2), pp. 215-234.

Illness and health

  • B. Abercrombie (2002) Writing out the storm: reading and writing your way through serious illness or injury New York: St. Martin's Press
  • D.S. Berry And J.W. Pennebaker (1993) ‘Non-verbal and verbal emotional expression and health’, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 59 (1), pp. 11-19.
  • R.J. Booth, K.J. Petrie and J.W. Pennebaker (1997) ‘Changes in circulating lymphocyte numbers following emotional disclosure: evidence of buffering?’ Stress Medicine, 13 (1), pp. 23-29.
  • G. T. Couser (1997) Recovering bodies: illness, disability, and life writing University of Wisconsin Press
  • R. Dean (1995) ‘Stories of AIDS: the use of narrative as an approach to understanding in an AIDS support group’, Clinical Social Work Journal, 23 (3), pp. 287-304.
  • J. Diamond (1999) C: because cowards get cancer too London: Vermilion
  • A. W. Frank (1997) The wounded storyteller: body, illness, and ethics Chicago: University of Chicago Press
  • M. Howe (ed, 1995) In the company of my solitude: American writing from the AIDS pandemic New York: W.W. Norton
  • A. Kleinman, (1988) The illness narratives: suffering, healing, and the human condition New York: Basic Books.
  • M. Lunnen (1998) Flying in the face of fear: surviving cervical cancer Penzance: The Hypatia Trust
  • B. Martin (2000) Writing your way through cancer Hohm Press
  • C. de Moor et al (2002) ‘A pilot study of the effects of expressive writing on psychological and behavioral adjustment in patients enrolled in a phase II trial of vaccine therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma’, Health Psychology, 21 (6), pp. 615-619.
  • C. N. Moore & R. F. Bernstein (1996) A journal for healing: writing through pain and illness New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell
  • R. Picardie (1998) Before I say goodbye London: Penguin Books
  • J. G. Pole (2000) Illness and the art of creative self expression New Harbinger Publications
  • M. Schneider (2003) Writing my way through cancer London: Jessica Kingsley
  • A.A. Stone et al (1999) ‘Structured writing about stressful events: exploring potential psychological mediators of positive health effects’ Health Psychology, 19 (6), pp. 619-624.

Journal writing

  • K. Adams (1990) Journal to the self: twenty two paths to personal growth New York: Warner Books
  • K. Adams (1996) ‘Journal writing as a powerful adjunct to therapy’, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 10 (1), pp. 31-37.
  • K. Adams (2002) The way of the journal: A journal therapy workbook for healing. Baltimore, MD: Sidran Press
  • C. Baldwin (1991) Life's companion: journal writing as a spiritual quest New York: Bantam Books
  • L. Capacchione (1989) The well-being journal: drawing on your inner power to help yourself Newcastle Publishing Company
  • N. Gadsden (2000) Learning self-therapy through writing: an experience in creative journaling Universal Publishers Hannah Hinchman (1998) A trail through leaves: The journal as a path to pace New York: W.W. Norton & Company
  • Alexandra Johnson (1997) The hidden writer: diaries and the creative life New York: Doubleday
  • Rose Offner (1996) Journal to the soul: The art of sacred journal keeping Salt Lake City: Gibbs-Smith
  • Ira Progoff (1992) At a journal workshop: writing to access the power of the unconcious and evoke creative ability New York: Jeremy Tarcher / Putnam, 2nd rev. ed.
  • Tristine Rainer (1980) The new diary New York: Tarcher


  • R. Offner (1997) Letters from the soul: unsent letters and stories for spiritual growth Salt-Lake City: Gibbs M Smith
  • P.T. Rasmussen and K. Tomm (1992) ‘Guided letter-writing: a long brief therapy method whereby clients carry out their own treatment’, Journal of Strategic and Systematic Therapy, 7 (4), pp. 1-18.
  • T. Vance (1998) Letters home: how writing can change your life New York: Random House

Mental health

  • C. Donley and S. Buckley (eds, 2000) What's normal?: narratives of mental and emotional disorders Kent State University Press
  • S. Dunn, B. Morrison, M. Roberts (1996) Mind readings: journeys through mental states London: Minerva
  • M. N-A. Danquah (1999) Willow weep for me: a Black woman's journey through depression Ballantine
  • P. Foster and M. Swander (eds, 1998) The healing circle: authors writing of recovery New York: Penguin
  • J. Harris (2003) Signifying pain: constructing and healing the self through writing (Suny Series in Psychoanalysis and Culture) New York: State University of New York Press
  • A. Hunter (1998) The sanity manual: the therapeutic uses of writing Nova Science Publishers
  • K. Jamison (1996) Touched with fire: manic depressive illness and the artistic temperament Touchstone Books
  • S. Kaysen (2000) Girl, interrupted London: Virago Press
  • L. Latshaw (ed, 2000) Anthology of a crazy lady: a creative cure through writing and art Victoria Publishing
  • E. Maisel (2003) The Van Gogh blues: the creative person's path through depression Rodale
  • K. Millet (1990) The loony-bin trip London: Virago
  • D. Philips, L. Linington and D. Penman (eds, 1999) Writing well: creative writing and mental health London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Precin (2002) Client-centred reasoning: narratives of people with mental illness London and New York: Butterworth Heinemann
  • R. Shannonhouse (ed, 2000) Out of her mind: women writing on madness New York: Random House
  • L. Slater (1997) Welcome to my country: journeys into the world of a therapist and her patients New York: Anchor
  • L. Slater (1999) Prozac diary London and New York: Penguin Books
  • M. E. Wood (1995) The writing on the wall: women's autobiography and the asylum University of Illinois Press

Older People

  • M. Andersen-Warren (1996) Creative groupwork with elderly people: drama Bicester: Speechmark Publishing
  • J. E. Birren and D. E. Deutchman (1991) Guiding autobiography groups for older adults: exploring the fabric of life London: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Library Association, Medical Health & Welfare Libraries Group (1993) Reading and writing with elderly people: a reading therapy study day, Edinburgh City Chambers, 6th May 1992 London: Library Association (Reading Therapy Sub-group)
  • K. Koch (1978) I never told nobody: teaching poetry writing in a nursing home New York: Random House
  • J. J. Magee (1988) ‘Using poetry as an aid to life review’, Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 12 (1-2), pp. 91-101.
  • J. J. Magee (1991) ‘Using metaphors in life review groups to empower shame-driven older adults’ Activities, Adaptation and Aging, 16 (2), pp. 19-30.
  • P. Rich and D. L. Sampson (1999) Healing journey for retirement: your journal of transition and transformation New York: John Wiley & Sons
  • M. Tyler John (1992) Story writing in a nursing home: a patchwork of memories New York: Haworth Press
  • J. Ward (ed, 1993) I can fly: an anthology of new writing about age and change Newcastle: Age Concern Newcastle
  • N. Weisberg and R. Wilder (eds, 2001) Expressive arts with elders: a resource London: Jessica Kingsley


  • K.S. Boates (1991) Letters to a child being born: a pregnancy journal with quotes, sentiments and space for writing Running Press
  • L.K. Campbell (1997) Journey into motherhood: writing your way to self-discovery Riverhead Books
  • L. Madsen (1994) Rebounding from childbirth: toward emotional recovery Greenwood Press
  • J. Ward (ed, 1996) ‘Parents know –it-all’: first-hand accounts of the pleasures and pitfalls of parenting Stowefield Publications

Personal development and self-help

  • D. Birch (2001) Awaken the writer within Oxford: How To Books G. Bolton (1999) The therapeutic potential of creative writing: writing myself London: Jessica Kingsley
  • L. Cappochione (2001) Living with feeling: the art of emotional expression London: Rider
  • L. Cerwinske (1999) Writing as a healing art: the transforming power of self-expression Berkley Publishing Group
  • B. Friedman (1993) Writing past dark: envy, fear, distraction and other dilemmas in the writer’s life New York: Harper Collins
  • C. Hunt and F. Sampson (eds, 1998) The self on the page: theory and practice of creative writing in personal development London: Jessica Kingsley
  • N. Jackowska (1997) Write for life Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element
  • B. Lane (1993) Writing as a road to self-discovery Ohio: Writers Digest
  • C.Metzger (1992) Writing for your life: discovering the story of your life New York: Harper Collins
  • J. W. Pennebaker (1997) Opening up: the healing power of expressing emotions New York: Guilford Press
  • J. Pollard (2002) As easy as ABC: the power of therapeutic writing The Observer, Sunday July 28.
  • G. Rico (1991) Pain and possibility: writing your way through personal crisis New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam
  • N. Rogers (2000) The creative connection: expressive arts as healing Ross-on-Wye: PCCS Books, 2nd edition.
  • L. De Salvo (1999) Writing as a way of healing: how telling stories transforms our lives London: The Women’s Press
  • M. Samuels and M. Rockwood Lane (1998) Creative healing: how anyone can use art, writing, music, and dance to heal body and soul San Francisco: Harper
  • M. Schneider and J. Killick (1998) Writing for self-discovery: a personal approach to creative writing Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element
  • S. Wade (2000) Write yourself a new life. Oxford: How to Book


  • G. Bolton (1999) ‘Every poem breaks a silence that had to be overcome: the therapeutic power of poetry writing’, Feminist Review, 62, pp. 118-132.
  • T. Boone (1994) ‘The therapeutic insights of poetry writing’, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 8 (2), pp. 95-97.
  • J. Fox (1995) Finding what you didn't lose: expressing your truth and creativity through poem-making New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons
  • J. Fox (1997) Poetic medicine: the healing art of poem-making New York: Tarcher
  • J.C. Fuchel (1985) ‘Writing poetry can enhance the psychotherapeutic process: observations and examples’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 12, pp. 89-93.
  • G. Chavis and L. Weisberger (eds, 2003) The healing fountain: poetry therapy for life’s journey Florida: National Association of Poetry Therapy / North Star Press
  • N. Goldberg (2002) Top of my lungs: poems and paintings: how poetry saved my life Overlook Press
  • A. Kelley (1999) The poetry remedy Penzance: The Hypatia Trust
  • J.J. Leedy (ed, 1969) Poetry therapy Philadelphia: Lippincott
  • A. Lerner (ed, 1994) Poetry in the therapeutic experience St. Louis: MMB Music, 2nd ed.
  • A. Lerner (1997) ‘A look at poetry therapy’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 24 (1), pp. 81-89.
  • P.J. Longo (1996) ‘If I had my life to live over - Stephanie’s story: a case study in poetry therapy’, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 10, pp. 55-67.
  • N. Mazza (1993) ‘Poetry therapy: toward a research agenda for the 1990s’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 20 (1), pp. 51-59.
  • N. Mazza (1999) Poetry therapy: the interface of the arts and psychology Boca Raton: CRC Press
  • National Association for Poetry Therapy (2001) Giving sorrow words Florida: NAPT
  • L. E. Mercer (1993) ‘Self-healing through poetry writing’, Journal of Poetry Therapy 6 (3), pp. 161-68.
  • M. Morrison (ed, 1987) Poetry as therapy New York: Human Sciences Press
  • R. Phillip (1996) ‘The links between poetry and healing’, The Therapist, 3 (4), p. 15.
  • H. Tamura (2001) ‘Poetry therapy for schizophrenia: a linguistic psychotherapeutic model of renku (linked poetry)’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 28 (5), pp. 319-328.


  • J. Broadhead and L. Kerr (2002) Prison writing: a collection of fact, fiction and verse Waterside Press
  • B.G. Chevigny (ed, 2000) Doing time: 25 Years of prison writing Arcade Publishing
  • K. Denberg (1990) ‘Poetry in the prisons: coming back up with light’, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 4 (1), pp. 21-26.
  • J. Mapanj (ed, 2002) Gathering seaweed: African prison writing Heinemann International Literature and Textbooks
  • J. C. Rothman (1997) ‘Prison poetry: a medium for growth and change’, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 10 (3), pp. 149-58.

Professional development (healthcare and therapy)

  • G. Bolton (2000) Reflective practice: writing and professional development London: Paul Chapman / Sage
  • M. Lahad (2000) Creative supervision: The use of expressive arts methods in supervision and self-supervision London: Jessica Kingsley

‘Race’, ethnicity and racism

  • K. Couroucli-Robertson (1992) ‘Cultural differences and similarities in drama therapy’ The Arts in Psychotherapy, 19 (2), pp.117-121.
  • D.Dokter (ed, 1998) Arts therapists, refugees and migrants: reaching across borders London: Jessica Kingsley
  • S. Grewal (1988) Charting the journey: writings by Black and third world women London: Sheba
  • J. Langer (ed, 1997) The bend in the road: refugees writing. Nottingham: Five Leaves Publications
  • S. Linden (1997) ‘Aiko: drama therapy in the recovery process of a Japanese/Korean-American woman’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 24 (2), pp.193-203.
  • S. Stepakoff (1997) ‘Poetry therapy principles and practices for raising awareness of racism’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 24 (3) pp. 261-274.
  • N. Strongylou and V. Woodard (1993) ‘Exploring images of the Greek-Cypriot woman through drama therapy’, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 20 (2), pp.161-165.
  • S. Weine (1995) ‘Narrative constructions of historical realities in testimony with Bosnian survivors of “ethnic cleansing”’, Psychiatry, 58 (3), pp. 246-260.


  • J. E. Clarke and E. Bostle (1988) Reading therapy London: Library Association Publishing
  • E.H. Jones (2001) Bibliotherapy for bereaved children: healing reading London: Jessica Kingsley
  • B. Knights (1992) From reader to reader: theory, text and practice in the study group New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf
  • B.Knights (1995) The listening reader : fiction and poetry for counsellors and psychotherapists London : Jessica Kingsley
  • E. Schlenther (ed, 1996) Reading therapy for children: a bibliography for hospital and home London: Library Association Health Libraries Group, Community Care Network


  • G. Ansdell and M. Pavlicevic (2001) Beginning research in the arts therapies: a practical guide London: Jessica Kingsley
  • Roger Grainger (1999) Researching the arts therapies: a dramatherapist's perspective London: Jessica Kingsley
  • J. McLeod (1994) Doing counselling research London: Sage
  • S. McNiff (1998) Art-based research London : Jessica Kingsley, 1998
  • H. Payne (ed, 1993) Handbook of inquiry in the arts therapies: one river, many currents London: Jessica Kingsley


  • Joan Mazza (2001) Exploring your sexual self: a guided journal Ohio: North Light Books

Spirituality and religion

  • R. Bradbury (1990) Zen in the art of writing Santa Barbara, C.A.: Joshua Odell
  • G. Collins-Ranadive (2002) Finding the voice inside: writing as a spiritual quest for women Skinner House Books
  • A. Erickson (1998) Arc of the arrow: writing your spiritual autobiography Pocket Books
  • J. Huggett (1990) Prayer journal Marshall Pickering
  • J. Moon (2001) Stirring the waters: writing to find your spirit Tuttle Publishing
  • J. Penny, et al (2002) The artful journal: a spiritual quest Watson-Guptill Publications
  • A. Price (1999) Writing from the source London: Thorsons
  • G. Sher (2002) The intuitive writer: a path toward deeper listening Compass Books
  • T. E. Smith and S. Counsell (1991) ‘Scripture as narrative and therapy’ Journal of Poetry Therapy, 4 (3), pp.149-163.
  • P. Vecchione (2001) Writing and the spiritual life: finding your voice by looking within Contemporary Books

Story-telling and narrative therapy

  • P. Brooks (1994) Psychoanalysis and storytelling London: Blackwell
  • C. Brun, E. W. Pedersen and M. Runberg (1993) Symbols of the soul: therapy and guidance through fairy tales London: Jessica Kingsley
  • J. E. Divinvi (1995) ‘Storytelling: an enjoyable and effective therapeutic tool’, Contemporary Family Therapy, 17 (1), pp. 27-37.
  • A. Gersie (1997) Reflections on therapeutic storymaking: like a piece of uncast wood London: Jessica Kingsley
  • A. Gersie and N. King (1990) Storymaking in education and therapy London: Jessica Kingsley
  • N. J. Livo (2001) Story medicine: multicultural tales of healing and transformation Greenwood Press
  • D. P. McAdams (1993) The stories we live by: personal myths and the making of the self New York: William Morrow and Company
  • C. Mattingly (1994) ‘Narrative representations of illness and healing’, Social Science and Medicine, (Special Issue: Narrative representation of illness and healing), 38 (6), pp. 771-774.
  • C. Mattingly (1994) ‘The concept of therapeutic “emplotment”, Social Science and Medicine, (Special Issue: Narrative representation of illness and healing) 38 (6), pp. 811-822.
  • J. H. Neal (1996) ‘Narrative therapy training and supervision’, Journal of Systemic Therapies, 15 (1), p. 63.
  • J.W. Pennebaker and J.D. Seagal (1999) ‘Forming a story: the health benefits of narrative’, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55 (10), pp. 1243-1254.
  • D. Taylor (1996) The healing power of stories: creating yourself through the stories of your life New York: Doubleday.
  • V. Thomas (1995) ‘Of thorns and roses: the use of the “Brier Rose” fairy tale in therapy with families of gifted children’, Contemporary Family Therapy, 17 (1), pp. 83-91
  • T. H. Uzzell (1934) Narrative technique: a practical course in literary psychology New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Company.
  • M.White and D. Epston (1990) Narrative means to therapeutic ends New York: Norton
  • J. L. Zimmerman and V. C. Dickerson (1996) If problems talked: narrative therapy in action. New York: Guilford Press

Survivors (of childhood abuse)

  • K. Etherington (2000) Narrative approaches to working with adult male survivors of child sexual abuse; the client’s, the counsellor’s and the researcher’s story London: Jessica Kingsley
  • L. De Salvo (1990) Virginia Woolf: the impact of childhood sexual abuse on her life and work Balantine Books
  • K. Weingarten and S. Cobb (1995) ‘Timing disclosure sessions: adding a narrative perspective to clinical work with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse,’ Family Process, 34 (3), pp. 257-269.
  • M. B. Williams (1991) ‘Verbalizing silent screams: The use of poetry to identify the belief systems of adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse’, Journal of Poetry Therapy, 5 (1), pp. 5-20.

Use of writing in therapy

  • L. A’bate (1991) ‘The use of writing in psychotherapy’, American Journal of psychotherapy 45 (1) pp. 87-98
  • L’Abate (1992) Programmed writing: a paratherapeutic approach for intervention with individuals, couples and families Pacific Grove, C.A.: Brooks / Cole
  • G Bacigalupe (1996) ‘Writing in therapy: A participatory approach’, Journal of Family Therapy, 18, pp. 361-373.
  • S. Bastien and A. Jacobs (1974) ‘Dear Shirley: an experimental study of the effectiveness of written communication as a form of psychotherapy’ Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42 (1), p. 151.
  • G. Bolton (1995) ‘Taking the thinking out of it: writing, a therapeutic space’ Journal of the British Association for Counselling, 6 (3), pp. 215-218.
  • G. Bolton et al (2003) Writing cures: creative writing, on-line writing and therapy – an introductory handbook London: Brunner-Routledge
  • A. Brown (1996) ‘Interaction, language and the “narrative turn” in psychotherapy and psychiatry’, Social Science and Medicine, 43 (11), pp. 1569-1578.
  • L.D. Cameron and G. Nicholls (1998) ‘Expression of stressful experiences through writing: effects of a self-regulation manipulation for pessimists and optimists’ Health Psychology, 17 (1), pp. 84-92.
  • B.A. Esterling, L. L’Abate, E.J. Murray, J.W. Pennebaker (1999) ‘Empirical foundations for writing in prevention and psychotherapy: mental and physical health outcomes’, Clinical Psychology Review, 19 (1), pp. 79-96.
  • M.E. Francis and J.W. Pennebaker (1992) ‘Putting stress into words: the impact of writing on physiological, absentee, and self-reported emotional well-being measures’ American Journal of Health Promotion, 6, pp. 280-287.
  • Y. Gidron et al (1996) ‘Written disclosure in post-traumatic stress disorder: is it beneficial for the patient?’ Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 184, 505-507.
  • J. Gilbert (1995) ‘Clients as poets: reflections on personal writing in the process of psychological change’, Clinical Psychology Forum, 75, pp. 3-5.
  • P. Kelley (ed, 1990) Uses of writing in psychotherapy New York: Haworth Press
  • A. Lange (1996) ‘Using writing assignments with families managing legacies of extreme traumas’ Journal of Family Therapy, 18, pp. 375-388.
  • S.J. Lepore and J.M. Smyth (eds, 2002) The writing cure: how expressive writing promotes health and emotional well-being Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association
  • N. N. McGihon (1996) ‘Writing as therapeutic modality’, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health, 34 (6), pp. 31-42.
  • J. McLeod (1997) Narrative and psychotherapy London: Sage
  • M. Mair (1989) Between psychology and psychotherapy: a poetics of experience London: Routledge
  • H. Marlo and M.K. Wagner (1999) Expression of negative and positive events through writing: implications for psychotherapy and health’, Psychology and Health, 14 (2), pp. 193-215.
  • J.W. Pennebaker (1997) ‘Writing about emotional experiences as a therapeutic process’ Psychological Science, 8 (3), pp. 162-166.
  • J.W. Pennebaker (ed, 2002) Emotion, disclosure and health American Psychological Association
  • R.J. Riordan (1996) ‘Scriptotherapy: therapeutic writing as a counseling adjunct’, Journal of Counseling and Development, 74, pp. 263-269.
  • A. Ryle (1983) ‘The value of written communication in dynamic psychotherapy’, British Journal of Medical Psychology, 56, pp. 361-366.
  • M.J.A. Schoutrop, A. Lange, G. Hanewald, C. Duurland and B. Bermond (1997) ‘The effects of structured writing assignments on overcoming major stressful events: an uncontrolled study’, Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 4, pp 179-185.
  • J.M. Smyth (1998) ‘Written emotional expression: effect size, outcome types and moderating variables’, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66 (1), 174-184.
  • M. Snyder (1996) ‘Our other history: poetry as a meta-metaphor for narrative therapy’ Journal of Family Therapy, 18 (4), pp. 337-359.
  • M. Torem (1993) ‘Therapeutic writing as a form of ego-state therapy’ American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 35 (4), pp. 267-276.
  • I. D. Yalom and G.Elkin (1990) Every day gets a little closer: a twice-told therapy New York: Basic Books
  • J. Wright and M.C. Chung (2001) ‘Mastery or mystery? Therapeutic writing: a review of the literature’, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 29 (3), pp. 277-291.
  • F.J. Van Zuuren, M.J.A. Schoutrop, A. Lange, C.M. Louis, J.E.M. Slegers (1999) ‘Effective and ineffective ways of writing about traumatic expriences: a qualitative study’, Psychotherapy Research, 9 (3), pp.363-380.
On Becoming a Poetry Therapist
The Arts and End of Life
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