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Counsellor and facilitator with experience of working in the community, in women only spaces, in peer reflective practice groups, with bereaved people and individuals.

Rachel Hawkins-Crockford

Location of Practice:
Bristol , South West

PG Certificate in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes; Advanced Professional Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling; Awareness in Bereavement Care Foundation Course; Bachelor of Laws; Bachelor of Arts

Skills & Interests:
I am a counsellor and group facilitator with experience supporting others with their mental health in a variety of settings and roles including as an IMHA in psychiatric facilities; in a homeless charity; on a women’s helpline; as a counsellor and group facilitator in the private and charitable sectors. I‘m passionate (in no particular order) about expressive arts for wellbeing, journaling, creative/ therapeutic groups, equality and social justice.

Contact Details:
keylifetherapy [at] gmail [dot] com

Website & Social Media: