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HOT Lapidus Report – workshop with Geraldine Green – 15/09/18

The HOT Lapidus group have met on a regular basis in Scarborough since 2011. We currently meet four times a year and the core members of the group take turns in facilitating either a whole day’s session or share the facilitation for a half day’s session. In return for facilitation members pay half the fee for the workshop. Our core membership consists of 8 members and we travel from as far afield as West Yorkshire and Northumberland. We continue to meet in Scarborough as the venue suits us in ambience and in catering facilities and it is convenient for people to travel to. It is also very accessible for anyone with mobility issues and has proven to be a popular venue and we have enjoyed meeting there for the last few years. We all contribute to lunch and each participant is invited to bring food to share.

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