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3 minutes reading time (596 words)

Funding opportunity: Call for Proposals from the Centre for Arts and Wellbeing

Below are three opportunties for funding from the Centre of Arts and Wellbeing at the University of Brighton. Have you been thinking about looking for funding for a project or event? Now might be your chance.

And don't forget, if you want to pitch your idea and get feedback from your Lapidus peers before you submit, you can always attend a Creativity Cafe event, run by Dr Jess Moriarty.

Find out more about the funding opportunities here:


Call for Proposals

 Call for Proposals Deadline: 10th January 2023

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is seeking proposals on small-scale or pilot projects that link to arts and wellbeing and at least one of our academic themes:

  • - Drawing for health and wellbeing
  • - Design for change
  • - Making well
  • - Inclusion through narrative
  • - Creative methodologies
  • - Sustainable communities

Funding of up to £1000 is available and we would particularly value projects that focus on:

  • - Collaborative/Transdisciplinary work
  • - Developing networks with external academic and/or community partners
  • - Sustainable outcomes
  • - Inclusive practice and pedagogy


Call for Visiting Research Fellow

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing ( at the University of Brighton (CAW) facilitates International Visiting Research Fellows spending time at the Centre to pursue their research within the themes of the CAW and form collaborations with CAW staff member(s).

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing at the University of Brighton develops research and enterprise initiatives that directly benefit the wellbeing of individuals and communities, innovating in a wide range of practices where the arts improve people's lives. We are particularly interested in transdisciplinary research that values creative methods and practice-based work

The Centre also has cutting edge research facilities in the Creative Methods Lab and established partnerships with community organisations and universities in the UK and internationally who are committed to addressing global challenges through research in art and wellbeing.

The aims of the scheme are to:

  • - provide external researchers with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the research culture of the Centre for Arts and Wellbeing
  • - offer opportunities for external researchers to work collaboratively with CAW members
  • - foster international networks within arts and wellbeing research
  • - provide a stimulating intellectual environment for advancing collaborative bid development or co-authoring
  • - give visiting researchers a platform for presenting their current or emerging work.

We encourage researchers working in the following areas to apply:

  • - research led-teaching in the arts and wellbeing
  • - creative methods/methodologies
  • - diversity in arts and wellbeing
  • - practice based work in the arts and wellbeing.

Travel, accommodation and fellowship-related research costs up to £1200 are part of the Fellowship, but no salary or stipend is paid. This includes the Centre covering the £200 administrative fee. Fellowships are usually expected to last between two weeks and two months.


Call for Proposals - Conference Fund

Call for Conference Proposals Deadline: 10th January 2023

The Centre for Arts and Wellbeing is seeking to support a conference/symposium/festival that addresses a topic/subject that aligns with 2 or more of our themes:

  • - Drawing for health and wellbeing
  • - Design for change
  • - Making well
  • - Inclusion through narrative
  • - Creative methodologies
  • - Sustainable communities

Funding of up to £1000 is available and we would particularly welcome events that:

  • - Celebrate collaborative/transdisciplinary work with an emphasis on arts and well-being;
  • - Include work from artists, community partners, PGRs and academics;
  • - Sustainable outcomes/outputs/ways of capturing the event;
  • - Value practice/research/pedagogy as equal;
  • - Offer a face-to-face element and are inclusive;
  • - Offer free spaces for CAW members.
Find Your Juicy - Start 2023 with this free event!

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