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2 minutes reading time (367 words)

Free Range Writing – 75 Forays for the Wild Writer’s Soul (Book Review)

Free Range Writing – 75 Forays for the Wild Writer’s Soul by Jenny Alexander

Book Review by Francesca Baker

This is a book about the spirit of writing, not the skill. That’s not to say that you won’t be able to create good writing through the use of it, just that it’s not the overall aim. Rather than a course with set goals, it’s a mindset, an approach that is ‘open and organic.’ Filled with exercises for the wild writer within, Jenny Alexander encourages us to ‘think of each one as an adventure, and approach it in a playful way,’ enjoying the journey of words.

Although packed with helpful hints and tips from the author’s career, the aim isn’t to teach anyone to write well; instead ‘you’re trying to find out what’s moving in the mind, capture it on the page, and see how it feels to be writing off your normal track.’ Like small children, the reader is encouraged to be excited and curious, learning through experimenting, with creativity and exploration being the only aim. Just reading the exercises has me smiling; actually doing them is a delight.


Play is fun, and this book is fun. Featuring exercises covering dreams, diaries and feelings and using everything from online dating profiles to chocolate, memories to birthdays, as stimulus and prompts, it’s an inspirational resource for all writers, regardless of skill, genre or purpose. In fact, purpose is one thing you’re encouraged to drop. There doesn’t have to be a reason for writing, or an outcome to be achieved. The more you write the better you will become, organically and naturally. Whether you write alone or in groups, are a seasoned author or new to pen and paper, this book will have you thinking laterally and writing creatively.

An author of children’s fiction and adult non fiction, Jenny describes herself as a free range writer, who loves ‘digging around in my inner world for treasures I can share.’ This book is full of such treasures.

You can buy Free Range Writing from Amazon right here.

You can find out more about the author, Jenny Alexander, on her website.

Book Review by Francesca Baker


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