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3 minutes reading time (540 words)

Six degrees – a story of Lapidus and me…


I’ve journaled and made art for over 60 years now, but for many of those years I thought of it as simply a pastime.Susanna Suchak

Then one day I went down a deep, dark, rabbit hole and just by chance the writing and art changed.

The art got abstract and the writing came from the bottom of that deep, dark hole. I had no understanding of the whys or wherefores but the whole process helped me to reflect on the pain, the sadness and the angry resentments and to heal so that I could move on and pull myself up into a place of wellbeing, a place where the sun shone more often. But it never lasted and I came to understand that there was more to this and I needed to know what the more was. I thought school might have some answers so I took another BA which allowed me to enroll in a Master of Arts in Integrated Studies through Athabasca University by distance … and it is quite a distance from Southern Ontario to Central Alberta.

While designing my study plan, I came upon a course called “Writing the Self”; I was intrigued. I enrolled. One of the best decisions of my life!

Our instructor was an engaging woman named, Reinekke Lengelle (perhaps some of you may know her.)

Since the course was addressing so many of my questions, I confidently joined Lapidus when Reinekke suggested it to the class. A life changing move on my part.

All those years, I had been feeling my way in the dark and now I have a supportive team of friends and colleagues who inspire me and share so many great ideas for workshops. I loved when Lapidus Scotland came out with a resource rich curriculum. I’ve continued my studies always by distance, sometimes through the internet.

I love to go to our Facebook page and see what others are doing, their challenges, their successes, and how they adapt ideas to their own group participants’ needs. And I take notes. It’s been like a continuing education.

And I’ve met so many helpful folks, who encourage me to try this and do what feels so right. It’s working. I am sharing more and more this marvellous process of writing for well-being.

I use poetry facilitation and writing workshops here in Canada with teens, adults and elders to great benefit to everyone. I am gaining confidence because I am no longer all alone. I have access to a whole world of resources, ideas, and a support circle.

I have all of you my friends and colleagues at Lapidus. We are spreading the word far and wide Yeah! Soon others will pull themselves out of those rabbit holes and we can all dance in the moonlight and sing in the sunshine. My world is bigger; I have found my way to wellness that lasts. And best of all I have helped many others to do the same.

Six degrees of connection! That’s how I see Lapidus – a web of wonder. Thank you Lapidus. You changed my world when you pulled me out of that rabbit hole. Let’s share what we have in an ever-growing circle!

More writing from Susanna at 

London Lapidus Meeting - 30th September
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