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1 minute reading time (220 words)

London Lapidus Meeting - 30th September

For our September meeting we have decided to try something new, facilitated by Stephen Bush, a regular at our London Lapidus meetings.

Please note change from our usual venue and time (dictated by access to artworks).

We'll meet at Tate Britain, 3pm on Saturday 30th September (nearest tube Pimlico or Westminster. Also 88 bus stops right outside Gallery). The Gallery requires groups to meet just inside the Manton entrance, which is on Atterbury Street.

Please arrive there  at 2.45 to allow time for  bag search.

Theme: Do you want art to take you into yourself? Or out of yourself?

Format: We'll look at and discuss two very different works, focusing on our feelings rather than trying to deduce the artist's intention. Then write and feed back in response to a third work, We will finish with a discussion of how we might combine art and writing when working with different types of groups, courses or classes.

Please bring pen, paper and a clipboard, or similar, as there won't be any tables to work on.

Stephen Bush is an art historian, gallery lecturer and facilitator; specialising in the history, theory and practice of community art. He's also an enthusiastic amateur writer with poetry and short prose appearing in a variety of publications.

(NB it's Tate Britain, NOT Tate Modern, somebody always goes to the wrong one).

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