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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

Show Up for Yourself – Why Journaling is Part of Self-Care

In any given week, you probably spend much of your time meeting external obligations: delivering work projects, running errands, caring for family members, responding to friends’ requests for help. These are important priorities, but if you aren’t paying attention, they can take all of your time and energy – leaving nothing left for what you need.

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Guest — Mari
Thank you for hosting me on my blog tour. I’d love your Journaling Journey guest blog post. You can see samples at CreateWriteNow.... Read More
Thursday, 11 July 2019 18:56
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Heal Yourself With Journaling Power By Mari L McCarthy - A Book Review by Tony Page

Heal Yourself With Journaling Power By Mari L McCarthy (140pp, 12 chapters)

Mari McCarthy was a business consultant in the USA until a bombshell 18 years ago when she was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Following the loss of function and feeling in the right side of her body, she soon faced up to the harsh fact that prescription drugs and the conventional medical approach weren’t working. She set out on a journey to take control of her own health and began a practice of journaling, difficult for her because she had to learn to write with her left hand. Quite remarkably journaling enabled her to ditch the drugs and expand her life in many new directions including singing, walking, meditating and writing.

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Guest — Mari
Hello Tony, Thank you for your awesome review. I’d like to invite you to do a guest blog post for our Journaling Journeys blog. h... Read More
Saturday, 22 June 2019 11:49
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Greta Solomon - Writing coach & author

How did you come to writing for wellbeing?

I have been writing and journaling all my life. Early on, I realised the power in putting things into words, and writing helped me to heal when my mother committed suicide. When I left my second staff journalism job to go freelance in 2001, I used journaling, along with studying lyric writing and acting, to unblock myself creatively. Later, I trained in life coaching and teaching and set up a successful English tutoring practice. Through this, I discovered that I had a talent for helping people to overcome the fears, blocks and shame that can stop them from fully-expressing themselves in writing.

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