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1 minute reading time (219 words)

The Kent and Sussex Writing for Wellbeing Network is back!

The Kent Writing and Wellbeing Network began meeting in January 2013 and has had many interesting speakers including Patricia Debney, Reinekke Lengelle and Maria C. McCarthy. 

After a pause, it has been revived and increased its geographical spread to include Sussex.  The plan is to rotate meetings between East and West in each of Kent and Sussex to enable as many people as possible to attend. The respective co-ordinators are Victoria Field, Sarah Salway, Jon Sayers and Helen Stockton.

The first two meetings will be in Canterbury on the 8th December 2018  and 19th January 2019.  On the 2nd March the group will meet in Hastings and on the 18th May in Tonbridge.

A July meeting is planned in West Sussex. All meetings are on Saturdays from 10am-1pm followed by a convivial lunch!

If you would like to go on the mailing list, please contact Sarah Salway: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.








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