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4 minutes reading time (729 words)

A Words and Wellbeing Retreat – working with ‘the journey’ 2nd - 4th September 2020

Make self-care a priority in your practice. Come to Shropshire for a little magic over three days in a luxurious country house and have the chance to experience the delights of Deborah Alma’s new shop and centre, the Poetry Pharmacy.

We will offer you a break, a place where you can be part of a small encouraging community, a chance to relax, to dip into the expressive arts and engage creatively with words, to reconnect with a sense of wellbeing. Take away with you a sense of renewal and some tools to help others with their own self-care.

This retreat will be led by Dr Clare Scott, a psychogeographer whose work is concerned with an exploration of the importance of identity, and with themes of the spiritual, land, gender, culture and history. Clare is an experienced therapeutic practitioner, artist in the media of words and clay and facilitator of training for professional development.

She will be supported by writer and counsellor, Barbara Bloomfield, who will take charge of the catering to offer a delicious home-cooked menu. The event is from Wednesday 2pm to Friday midday, 2nd to 4th September, in a Georgian Town House and at the Poetry Pharmacy, in the ‘quirky medieval town’ of Bishop’s Castle at the edge of the Shropshire Hills.

Wednesday – the journey begins, the call to adventure

After arrival at Bank House and a welcome with refreshments, you will be shown to your room. We will begin by gathering together, settling into the space and becoming acquainted with each other, with the house and its
surroundings. There will be some initial activities to help us to cohere as a group and feel safe. A first creative
response will be prompted, which will lead into supper time and a little down time.

The evening will include some options for de-stressing activities and the initiation of our
work with ‘the journey’ - its meaning in our lives, our activities and in our writing.





Thursday - the journey continues, crossing the threshold


After breakfast at Bank House we will take a few steps to the Poetry Pharmacy, where the day will include a chance to explore, to feel into an intuitive relationship with the environment, the opportunity to challenge some of the hindrances to our wellbeing and fuller poetic / artistic expression.

Lunch will be provided at Bank House. The lunch-hour will be extended to give you time to take a walk or explore Bishop’s Castle.

The afternoon will concentrate on personal and autobiographic writing and other expressive arts, with access to some of the resources of the Poetry Pharmacy.

In the evening after supper at Bank House we will take the journey to a deeper level, with time for sharing further creative developments.


Friday - the end of the journey, the return to the ordinary world

After breakfast we will gather as a group to begin the day connected to our core selves and resting comfortably in the present.

There will be the opportunity to commune again with the external environment and to share your creative expression with others - to enjoy your achievements and findings, exploring your transformation as part of this short journey. We will conclude with a debrief, identifying useful tools for the next steps and prepare for our departure.






There are several options for you to choose from for this retreat on the 2nd-4th September 2020. All prices include meals and refreshments.

Bank House:
2 x Kingsize rooms sleep up to 2, £230 for single occupancy, £200 per person for double occupancy

2 x Kingsize + 1 single rooms sleep up to 3, £200 per person for double occupancy, £180 per person for triple occupancy.

1 x Kingsize + 2 singles room sleeps up to 4, £230 per person for double occupancy, £200 per person for triple occupancy, £180 per person for quadruple occupancy.

(Come with friends/partner and save money?)

Non-residential - £130 for the entire retreat, which includes lunch and dinner during the retreat. Or £45 per half day, £80 per full day, all to include lunch at Bank House. Please note that breakfast is not included in these options. You are welcome to make your own arrangements for accommodation or travel from your home. There are plenty of B+B/camping/cottages available.

Bring a pal and make a weekend of it in the Shropshire hills?

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