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3 minutes reading time (585 words)

Unravel Your Own Myth - Yoga and Writing

I started working with yoga teacher Ash Bond four years ago. At that time I had recently completed my yoga teacher training and was about to embark on an MA in Creative Writing.

Ash and I did several exploratory sessions together, following our yoga practice with writing exercises. It’s often thought that stories come from our ‘heads’. But what we found in our personal practice together was that stories were hidden all around our bodies. We discovered stories from our past that bubbled from the backs of our knees, the spaces in between our ribs, the webs of our fingers. Letting those stories pour onto the page and then sharing them with each other felt healing. We released, unravelled and rewrote the stories we wanted to share with the world. And this seemed too rich and delicious a practice to keep to ourselves.

It is with this spirit of wanting to share that we established ‘The Body Creative’, a collaboration intended to explore the connection between yoga and creative writing. In 2015 we ran our first full day retreat ‘The Story of Your Body’. The session was beautiful. We started the day with ceremony, invoking the protection and inspiration of the four directions, and then went through some powerful yoga practice before inviting stories to the page. We offered a selection of prompts and invited participants to freewrite and share their words. What emerged was profound. Stories from childhood, tales of childbirth, stories about love and loss all arose. The space felt sacred and supportive. We heard the stories, blessed them and let them go.

We also offered space for mini vision quests, inviting people to go out and spend time meditating in nature before returning to write out the wisdom they had discovered.

This year we are building on these one-day retreats and are delighted to be offering a full weekend of yoga and writing. Unravel Your Own Myth will take place from 12-14 January 2018 and will combine ceremony, story and celebration. It will be a safe and solid space where retreaters can delve into their own stories through yoga, bring them to light through writing and transform them into a new truth with which to walk in beauty and strength.

The 42 Acres Retreat Centre in Bruton is a luxurious and beautiful place, rich with story and myth, that will provide a powerful and supportive space for this healing and potentially transformational work. Ash has devised earthy, elemental yoga flows to encourage a sinking down into the layers of the emotional body. Alison will then facilitate writing sessions where these stories and truths can find their way to the page. The final stage is to share the stories, celebrate the stories, thank them and, where appropriate, let them go.

We feel that this weekend will be one in which participants will be able to go deep. You are invited to join us in this exploration.


12th - 14th January 2018

No experience of yoga or creative writing required - we will support every body in both.

For more details, visit

To book your place, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Tel: 07776197169


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