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Writing for Self Discovery Workshops

Writing for Self Discovery workshops

Autumn 2018


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Writing for Pleasure

A new writing course starting in Rotherhithe:

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Calling All Poets: Peace and Palindrome

Calling all Poets!


Peace and Palindrome

A poetry writing workshop at

Canada Water library, London SE16

Saturday April 21st 1.30-4.30pm

A small low cost workshop for both new and experienced writers of poetry, facilitated by Alison Clayburn, a poet and fiction writer with thirty years tutoring experience.

This workshop will focus on a topic: peace and then a particular form of poetry: palindrome


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Writing for Self Discovery monthly workshops, Spring 2018

Writing for Self Discovery monthly workshops, Spring 2018

Small group workshops facilitated by Alison Clayburn (M.A. Creative Writing for Personal Development) at Canada Water Library (next to Canada Water bus/train/tube station) Rotherhithe London SE16.


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