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1 minute reading time (128 words)

Writing for Pleasure

A new writing course starting in Rotherhithe:


Alison Clayburn has been a creative writing tutor for 30 years in different settings ... she started in prison, went on to community based settings, mental health support settings and further and higher education. Along the way she gained an MA in Writing for Personal Development, poetry and short fiction from Sussex University and contributed to the development of Lapidus. Her main interest is in the crossover between self therapeutic writing and powerful poetry, fiction and creative nonfiction.

She has developed courses in self exploratory writing and now works independently, running workshops in Writing for Pleasure, Poetry and Writing for Self Discovery and supporting writers one to one. Much of her work is based on her local community of Rotherhithe SE16. - 

Creative Writing in the Therapeutic Encounter
LIRIC and the New Editorial Board


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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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