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1 minute reading time (257 words)

Creative Bridges 2023 - February update

Vibrant, connecting, exemplary brochure, epic open mic, soulful,  uplifting, warrior words.

Above are some of your comments about Creative Bridges 2021. In two days over three Zoom streams we packed in 40 CWTP researchers and practitioners to share their wisdom and experience for 160 delegates. We wrote, we listened, we shared, we connected online.

A year and half later I hold happy memories of the creative energy, challenge and compassion that exuded through my glass screen as we listened, wrote, shared and discussed. 

I am delighted to say that planning for the Creative Bridges 2023 is well underway.  The conference will remain entirely online on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th September 2023.   We begin at 12.00 on Saturday 16th until 19.30 with an open mic at 20.00.  Sunday will run from 10.00 until 16.30.  We aim that our timings on Saturday will enable participants from United States and Canadian time zones to attend more easily.

We are in discussion with two wonderful keynote speakers who we hope to announce soon.

Our Lapidus family and wider field of therapeutic writing practitioners and researchers will make up the rest of the two-day programme and we invite you to join us at the conference.

Conference bookings and the call for papers will open on on Friday 17th February 2023.  All information about how to book your place and how to submit a proposal for presentation at the conference will be on the conference website: The planning group looks forward to you joining us in September.


Mel Perry

Conference Administrator        

Creative Bridges 2023 - March Update
Event Round Up

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