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2 minutes reading time (337 words)

Creative Bridges 2023 - March Update

We have lift off.  

Flying to Bridge the World with Words

Since the conference planning group began meeting in August last year the months have flown past and on Friday 17th February we had a super boost of energy as one of our milestones was reached.  The call for papers and attendance registrations for Creative Bridges 2023 are open. A   key strength of Creative Bridges is that it truly is a collaborative effort by and for the membership of Lapidus International and those devoted to writing for wellbeing.  

We welcome papers, presentations, workshops, panel discussions and we do not exclude other good ideas that will make this conference memorable and enjoyable. We encourage participants to take risks with innovative and creative offerings, including those who are working across art forms, i.e. words and music, art and poetry, indeed everything that might inspire new practices and research. We are interested to hear from people reflecting on and investigating contemporary issues around de-colonising and race.

We offer below a few suggestions for topics to spark your thinking:

  • - Human problems 
  • - Existential threats 
  • - Humour 
  • - Developing our knowledge of the field 
  • - Working in digital spaces and getting back in the room
  • - Reflective practice/supportive systems

Further information on these topics can be found at the link  along with how to submit a paper:

Creative Bridges is an online interdisciplinary conference drawing on the professional and personal experiences of researchers, practitioners, and participants across a range of disciplines such as literature, counselling & psychotherapy, neuropsychology, medicine, and social sciences, among others. This conference provides an opportunity to showcase relevant research and practice and assess the current picture of the field of writing for wellbeing and creative writing for therapeutic purposes (CWTP).

You, our Lapidus family, and the wider field of therapeutic writing practitioners and researchers can shape the conference two-day programme and we invite you to join us.  The planning group looks forward to your submissions and being with us in September.  


Mel Perry

Conference Administrator        

Creative Bridges 2023 - April Update
Creative Bridges 2023 - February update

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