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1 minute reading time (264 words)

Creative Writing Classes in Monmouthshire



The aim of this Creative Writing course is to provide an opportunity to put pen to paper and to do so in classes which are inclusive, enjoyable and stimulating. These initial courses will encourage and facilitate writers, of whatever ability, to explore their own potential. In responding to workshop prompts they will call on their own knowledge, life experiences, memories and imagination to write.  The course will use stimuli such as nature, art and photography, life and personal observation, and poetry.  Groups will be small and will foster a friendly and supportive atmosphere.  A two-hour workshop each week will encourage the momentum of writing and the ability to hear and provide peer feedback.  If you’ve always wanted to write, come along and have a scribble!

Courses will run from late September in the following venues:

Abergavenny Hub – Monday evenings between 6 pm and 8 pm

Caldicot Hub – Wednesday evenings between 6.30 pm and 8.30 pm

Chepstow Hub – Saturday mornings between 10.30 pm and 12.30 pm

Monmouth Hub – Monday afternoons between 7 pm and 3 pm

Booking is essential - contact with your local Hub or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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