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2 minutes reading time (362 words)

Get involved with the Lapidus Magazine

Have you had a chance to read the first issue of the fab new Lapidus Magazine? It’s full of stories, pictures and articles by and for Lapidus members.

We are looking for the next issue to feature YOUR writing for wellbeing challenges: issues you’ve had with running groups or issues with confidentiality or offending other people with your autobiographical writing.  Please send us your dilemmas and we will ask the community for answers so we can all learn something. In addition, we would love to have your articles or ideas for features, reviews, letters and helpful advice or tips about writing for wellbeing.

Also, have you got a cover photo we can feature?  We’d love to big-up your photographs, videos and artwork to illustrate the next magazine. If you’ve taken an arresting photo, please share it with us to help create an exciting and visual read.

Catrice Greer and Barbara Bloomfield will be editors of issue 2. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Submit to the Lapidus Magazine

The new Lapidus Magazine is published online in a magazine format offering a platform for Lapidus members and others in the world of writing for wellbeing. It is a place to share ideas, challenges and successes. There is a Creative Space for original creative writing from our members and a Breathing Space for all things wellbeing. We’ll bring news to you internationally, nationally and regionally from Lapidus members and others involved in therapeutic writing and arts. Colour photos, films and illustrations will create a fresh and visually appealing publication.

Deadlines: Issue 2 will be published in the winter of 2022 and is open for submissions now. Copy deadline for issue 2 is 10th June, 2022

You can read the submission guidelines on the magazine page here:

Lapidus is looking for a new Community Support Ad...
Submissions for the third LIRIC journal are open


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