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2 minutes reading time (322 words)

Submissions for the third LIRIC journal are open

In case you missed it, we launched our second Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community (LIRIC) journal last month (and you can read it here).

This issue is jam-packed full of research articles about writing for wellbeing, including pieces such as:

- Poetry Therapy: A Doorway to Understanding and Alleviating Loneliness  by Geri Chavis,

- Creating Space to Write and Grow Spiritually: A Qualitative Inquiry  by Janet Kuhnke

- The Autism Sonnets: Explaining Myself to Myself  by Sean Erin Moores

... and many more!

We have no plans to stop at a second issue. That is why we are happy to announce that the submission window for articles is now open for anyone who wants to be a part of the third LIRIC journal.

How do you submit to the LIRIC journal?

First, you might want to check out our submission guidelines to see what shape your article can take. Then, once you have an idea, send your submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It is as simple as that.

If you have any questions about submitting to the LIRIC journal, or about the journal in general, please send them to the same email address mentioned above, or check out our LIRIC journal pages.

The submissions window is now open. We look forward to receiving your article soon!


(Have something you want to submit, but don't think it works as a research article? Hold onto it and submit it to our Lapidus Magazine - call out for Issue 2 coming in the next few weeks!)

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