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2 minutes reading time (344 words)

LIRIC and the New Editorial Board

Lapidus International has just launched LIRIC, our research arm. The Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community became a real presence for our words-for-wellbeing not-for-profit company at the research symposium event at the end of July at Storyhouse in Chester. 


Now we are looking to take the next steps of our envisaged growth for research in this field. We will be the hub for research work in words for wellbeing activities and will share this information amongst the network of our members and enable you to make appropriate links.  We will publicise your activities to other agencies and amongst the expressive arts community.  We will be making further bids for collaborative and partnership research funding for relevant projects.

We are aiming to publicise work that advances research in the field and will be awarding the annual Lapidus International Research Advancement Award for 2018 at one of our WordsWell 18 events before the end of this year. 

We are also putting a call-out for members who would like to join our Lapidus International Research Editorial Board. 

If you are interested in being considered for this, please contact Simon Poole, Director Research at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a CV and letter of application before the end of September. 


Clare Scott is a writer in Wales who has been focusing on psychogeography and our relationship with the natural landscape as part of her Creative Writing PhD. She has an MA in Creative Writing and has been writer in residence for a National Trust venue. Her career has included work as an educational specialist (autism), social work and sexual health. She is also Chair of the Lapidus International board.


Writing for Pleasure
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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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