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3 minutes reading time (509 words)

Sharing words, a shared future - our event on May 22nd

On May 22nd 2021, Lapidus ran a networking event which allowed attendees to meet up and talk about their experiences, both as a Lapidus member and as a member of the writing for wellbeing community. Out of this event came a lot of interesting points of discussion – for example, how can Lapidus support the move of writing for wellbeing so it is more mainstream, or how can Lapidus help its members move into this new ‘hybrid’ world of offline and online events?

These are just some of the points that the board will be thinking about as we move into the future (how will they shape the next 25 years of Lapidus International?).

Thank you again to Sheelagh Gallagher, Kiz Banger, Sue Spencer and Kim Etherington for hosting the event and for supporting the networking groups in their discussion.

During the event, members were given the opportunity to create a small creative piece about their experience with Lapidus, or what Lapidus represents. Please find below a few of these creative pieces for you to enjoy. Thank you to everyone who shared!


Listening, Living, Laughing to find Light / Arms full of Community, Alive with ideas / People helping People - Painting Pictures in words  / Inspiration, endless Inspiration / Diverse and Doing more and more / Understanding, Uncovering the core of what we can do / Supportive Strength

- Francis Ainslie

Look! - a world of healing writers
Allow yourself to write quite freely
Process freed, Process Queen
It is never that tired idea you have when dull
Drop all those masks, express yourself
Understand Unconditionality
Surrender to your own treaty

- Toni Hurford

We Listen
We Attend
We Play
We Include
We Discover
We Unify
We Support 
- Robert Henley

Poem written in our break out group (group one) on 22nd May 2021 networking Zoom event

When asked to say a little bit about finding Lapidus I thought I would start at the very beginning of my journey


Fifteen Years Old


Angsty young teenager locked in her bedroom,

trying to use words as a new broom

to sweep out the pain and understand

what agony grains lay in my hand:

Yearning and hope. How can I begin?

One word alone, lets the light in.


Start at the beginning and write to the end.

The words, my journey, the hope I will send

through the dark forest, beyond the rain.

By the end I will know the cause of my pain.

All of my years I’ve used poems to see,

to explore my own feelings so I can be me.


My first poem started, breathing my breath,

embracing and dancing with whispering death.

I just wrote all the words. I did not know

where I might end up or where I could go

then I found out, Lapidus, it was a real thing.

Now I know more what joys words can bring.


- Jacqui-Empson High

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