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2 minutes reading time (474 words)

Creative Bridges 2023 - June Update

June segues us into a new phase for our conference prepartions for Creative Bridges 2023.  Our early-bird ticket offers and calls for papers closed on 31st May.

We obviously still have tickets available but most of those will be at the full conference rates now.  Hop over to to book your place.  However, if you would like to get hold of one of our bursary-rate places at £35 then do email me on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. No hoops to jump through, no means testing, no questions asked, but bursaries will be allocated on a first come first serve basis, and those we have budgetted for may fly off the shelf. Do get in touch now.

If you attended the conference in 2021 do you remember the vibe?  The feeling that sitting on our own, from our own office, kitchen, or bedroom we could connect with each other and be moved in the way that only therapeutic and liberatory writing can.

Personally, as I dropped into as many sessions as I could I drew so much from the research, the debate, the practice, the writing activities that each contributor generously shared.

Other comments on CB2021 were:

“the opportunities for learning, connection and re-connection with ‘word warriors’ from all around the world.  So energising and uplifting”

“ I liked the light touch, that we didn’t need to pre-book sessions”

“ I loved the open mic in particular”

Thank you to all those who have submitted to host a panel, make a presentation, or deliver a workshop at this year’s conference. Our review team is completing their work to select from the many submissions, and I will be in touch very soon with all those who have submitted to share our decision. We aim to generate a similar sense of building our community to the 2021 event.   We plan for the conference to feel more spacious.  We’re planning for time to network around some key ideas in our work.  And yes, the open mic is back again on the Saturday evening.

Next month I hope to be able to share some of the issues that we will be exploring through the main body of the conference.  If anyone would like to chair a session- which means co-holding the space with one of our fab technicians to welcome, introduce and thank the guest presenter, and help keep an eye on chat and the Zoom oblongs for questions or comments then do let me know on the above email.

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