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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

A Moment of Kindness - Our Free E-book

A Moment of Kindness Cover

Take a moment to be kind. Be kind to yourself, or to someone else. Write a positive affirmation in your journal. Hug a kitten. Tell someone how great they are. Why not all three?

Then once you've finished doing that, head on over to our store page and download our completely free e-book: A Moment of Kindness.

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  1910 Hits
1910 Hits

A Moment of Kindness Flash Fiction Competition

Earlier this year, Lapidus International held its first ever writing competition with guest judge Julie Primon.

We were very happy with the responses - every submission bringing something new and special to the suggested theme. On Saturday at the Lapidus AGM, the winner of this inaugural competition was announced.

The winner of the 2018 'A Moment of Kindness Flash Fiction' competition is:

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  2750 Hits
2750 Hits