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1 minute reading time (220 words)

A Moment of Kindness - Our Free E-book

A Moment of Kindness Cover

Take a moment to be kind. Be kind to yourself, or to someone else. Write a positive affirmation in your journal. Hug a kitten. Tell someone how great they are. Why not all three?

Then once you've finished doing that, head on over to our store page and download our completely free e-book: A Moment of Kindness.

The book is full of flash fiction submitted for our competition last year. It's a wonderful little collection that reminds the reader of the importance of kindness, or, as competition judge, Julie Primon, put it:

Together, the stories in this collection offer glimpses of our better selves, of the persons we can be when we choose kindness and empathy over fear, doubt, or anger. The rich variety of voices in this heartwarming anthology envisages a different world, one where we can rely on each other, and establish stronger, more vibrant connections. Served by beautiful descriptive language, drawing on the senses to create immediacy for the reader, it is a book to dip into again and again, especially when the world seems to be closing in on us, and we need a deep breath or a ray of sunlight.

You'll find the e-book as a free download right here:


It's a little 'thank you' from us at Lapidus International!

Thank you.


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