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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

Creative Writing for Wellbeing under lockdown: Zoom’s double-edged sword

Professor Tony Wall reports on a lockdown study of 100 therapeutic writers carried out by Lapidus International.

A new national study by the University of Chester and Lapidus examines how creative writing for therapeutic purposes provision changed under the first lockdown of 2020. The study focused on the top 1% most health deprived areas in England (clustered into 16 areas) and combines web analyses, virtual focus groups and interviews, to find out how provision changed, how these changes impacted people, who had been excluded, and what is needed at the local level.

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  2061 Hits
2061 Hits

Invitation to the Haygarth Lecture

You are invited to the Haygarth Lecture on November 16th - a free public lecture which has a focus on the arts contribution to public health, and the influence that the arts have on health and wellbeing. 

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  2693 Hits
2693 Hits