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Beyond Text Workshop 2018

Thursday 22nd March 2018, 09:30 - 16:00

Storyhouse, Hunter Street, Chester CH1 2AR

The Beyond Text team invite practitioners and researchers from all disciplines to attend an exciting open workshop at Storyhouse, which will support participants to conduct high quality arts-based research, assessment and evaluation through practice.

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Lapidus invite to Lithuania by the Lithuanian Science Council

Lapidus International Board Member, Professor Tony Wall, was recently invited to give the opening keynote Klaipeda University’s flagship conference, "Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Scientific Research on Bibliotherapy and Theraeutic Writing - II"

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Invitation to the Haygarth Lecture

You are invited to the Haygarth Lecture on November 16th - a free public lecture which has a focus on the arts contribution to public health, and the influence that the arts have on health and wellbeing. 

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Job Opportunity: Brief for a Bespoke Corporate Gift

In 2018, The Centre for Work Related Studies at the University of Chester is celebrating 20 years of innovative programmes delivering negotiated work based learning across the globe. Their celebration is focusing on how their unique approach facilitates working, learning and adapting.

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