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1 minute reading time (174 words)

Thank you Stephen - London Lapidus


Last Saturday, 30th September, instead of our usual meeting at the Poetry Cafe, London Lapidus met in Tate Britian and had a very interesting, thought provoking  and inspiring afternoon.

Led by Stephen Bush, art historian and regular Lapidus attendee, we looked at two very different paintings. Not looking at the painters description or explanation, we shared our thoughts and feelings in response to them without any pre-conceived ideas. These are the paintings we looked at:
We then looked in a similiar way at a third painting (see below) and wrote. We explored feelings and memories invoked by the painting. We all agreed that sharing our writing at the end was a very enriching experience. Stephen had chosen these in advance.
Stephen is willing to facilitate  a group at a future date and this will be outside of regular Lapidus meeting.
Next London Lapidus meeting will be back at our regular venue, the Poetry Cafe. It shall be part of the Lapidus AGM - Details to follow.
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