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4 minutes reading time (730 words)

Lapidus International Events: WordsWell18


What is WordsWell18? And why do we keep talking about it?

Both very good questions! Allow me to explain.

This year, we at Lapidus International have decided to give more to our members than ever before.

When we renamed ourselves last year, we saw it as the beginning of a journey. It's a continuing journey of growth and learning and we like to think that WordsWell18 is another step forward on that path.

This year, we want to run a range of events all over the UK that will allow members to further embrace words for wellbeing.

We want attendees to share their own experiences, connect with other members, and also have a voice in the research that we are currently undertaking thanks to a grant from the TS Eliot foundation.

We also want to have a bit of fun while we are doing all that!

So we came up with #WordsWell18. It's the title for all the events we are running this year, and you'll probably see it popping up more and more in our newsletters, on this website and on our social media (we might even sneak it into conversations that you have with us when you least expect it).

We also have this logo - so keep an eye out for it:



So how can you get involved in WordsWell18? Well, you can check out our list of events below, or through the Events button on the top menu bar above this article!

CHESTER - JULY 27th - Research Symposium


Our inaugural Lapidus Research Symposium took place in Chester at the Storyhouse Theatre on the 27th July 2018!

It was a day of researching, sharing, networking and eating fruit. We would like to thank everyone who contributed - you made the day intriguing, exciting and helped it leave a lasting impression on us all!


Find out more about LIRIC - the Lapidus International Research and Innovation Community- which was launched at this event in an article coming soon (Or email me and ask about it!)

CARDIFF - SEPTEMBER 8th - Experience the Expressive Arts


We really like using words here at Lapidus International, and if you are here, you probably do too! That being said, words aren't the only art form which can be used to promote wellbeing - there is a whole world out there of different expressive arts, and that is what this event is all about!

We've teamed up with some expressive arts professionals, including Moving Pieces, Claire Williamson and more, who are going to share their experience of expressive arts and how they use it on a day-to-day basis. It'll be a day of learning and sharing, so why not come along and see what else is out there!




IRELAND - OCTOBER 13th, 14th - Writing for Wellness

This year, IPTN’s Conference is in collaboration with Lapidus International and International Academy for Poetry Therapy. These two international organisations will bring their experience of writing for well-being to Ireland for what promises to be an innovative and exciting weekend.  


Join us on a weekend of personal development through the inner world of dreams, poetry, and oral and written story-telling.

Qualified and experienced facilitators working in Ireland, UK and Wales will lead these experiential sessions.


More events coming soon! Keep checking here to find out more about our events in London and Newcastle later this year!

Richard Axtell is the coordinator for Lapidus International when he isn't writing stories for children or baking cakes (his wife says his blueberry muffin recipe is the best she has ever tasted). He writes stories for the children's reading app The Atlas Mission, and he has a website somewhere on the internet - but is too embarrassed to show it to anyone.

You can email Richard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ask him questions about anything Lapidus related - or to request he brings blueberry muffins to the next Lapidus event.


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