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2 minutes reading time (435 words)

Seasonal Space to Write

October 27th 2018 10.00 – 16.45


Facilitated by North East poet and educator Natalie Scott, Seasonal Space to Write brings writers together, regardless of age, ability or discipline and where their interest may be in poetry or prose, report writing or simply recording daily events and experience.


Each season will bring you space to write, and the next day event will take place at Hall Garth Hotel and Country Club near Darlington, in the lounge-library with its comfy chairs and stunning views over the parkland. The day will begin with some facilitated writing warm-up activities to help prepare you for the day ahead. You will then have free time to work on a project or piece of writing in progress which you have brought along, whether it is a mere scrap of an idea or a nearly polished piece. The final hour of the day will be an optional and informal sharing of any work in progress.  


The cost of £38 per person provides a delightful work space, facilitation by an experienced tutor, a hot and cold buffet lunch, plus tea, coffee and biscuits throughout the day. Wi-Fi and car parking are free. Places are limited, so please register your interest with Natalie in the first instance by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Completed booking form and payment in full are required to secure your place.


Natalie Scott is a Teesside-based poet and educator with a PhD in Creative Writing, specialising in multimodal poetry. She is an experienced workshop leader and facilitates writing sessions under her initiative Pen Power for diverse community groups, including dementia patients, excluded children and adults with special educational needs. Natalie’s published works include two poetry pamphlets Brushed (Mudfog, 2009) and Frayed (Indigo Dreams, 2016), and one full collection: Berth – Voices of the Titanic (Bradshaw Books, 2012).  Her latest project Rare Birds – Voices of Holloway Prison was awarded a Research and Development grant from the Arts Council of England, and is due for completion in 2019. Natalie’s poems have appeared in journals including Ambit, Agenda, Orbis, Ink, Sweat and Tears, English in Education, Live Canon, Other Poetry, Poetry Scotland and South Magazine. /

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