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1 minute reading time (206 words)

Job Opportunity: Brief for a Bespoke Corporate Gift

In 2018, The Centre for Work Related Studies at the University of Chester is celebrating 20 years of innovative programmes delivering negotiated work based learning across the globe. Their celebration is focusing on how their unique approach facilitates working, learning and adapting.

This is a call for the creation of 100 bespoke gifts to celebrate the 20 year anniversary. 

Design features:

• A gift to be treasured, by a professional/corporate individuals
• Be symbolic of working, learning, adapting (NB. the use of lego/building blocks is relevant to the notion of negotiated work based learning)
• 100 items, each of a size that could fit in to a pocket
• Using high-quality materials, preferably using natural or recycled materials
• Budget £300
• Timeline:
Delivery to CWRS by 1st February
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