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2 minutes reading time (402 words)

Celebrating 25 years of Lapidus International - Networking Event

Saturday May 22nd 2021 – 10am until 12pm.

Free Workshop – Donations welcome

To start our 25th Birthday celebrations, we are pleased to offer a Saturday morning networking event on the 22nd May 2021.

We are offering Lapidus members an opportunity to share their experiences of writing for well-being/ personal development/therapeutic purposes.   

Lapidus International is a leading organization in supporting this work and we would like to discover more about the diverse and distinct ways practitioners are working during these challenging times.

Working in this area can feel isolating at times and even with good clinical supervision and support it can feel like we are a bit outside the mainstream of both the writing world and the world of therapeutic services. We see this event as part of practitioner development and an opportunity for the Board to discover how Lapidus International can learn from its members.

This session is the start of what we hope will be continuing conversations where we can highlight CPD opportunities and begin to weave threads of connections for participants in this adventure whether we are writers, therapists, artists etc.

We will arrive as a large group and break out into smaller groups in separate rooms where there will be an opportunity to “check-in” and share ideas. A facilitator from each small group will then report back to the larger group and collate the key take home messages, gauging whether there is an interest in regular networking events and identifying future topic specific workshops.

We anticipate this to be a supportive space, not for promoting individual businesses but providing a helpful dialogue to enable us to feel less isolated in our work. It is also an opportunity to raise awareness of all the rich and varied resources available to support our work.

The workshop will be facilitated by Kim Etherington, Sheelagh Gallagher, Kiz Bangerh and Sue Spencer.



Sign up for the event by clicking on the button below. Remember: this is first come, first serve. If we run out of spaces, you will be put on a waiting list and informed when there is space.



If you'd like to share a little bit of money to help support Lapidus and its work, please click on the button below. Please note: donating is not the same as signing up! Please sign up to the event if you would like to join in:

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