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4 minutes reading time (836 words)

Letter to the Members from Lapidus Chair

Hello Lapidus Members,

I hope that you are getting chances, spaces and time to write and gain a sense of wellbeing and enjoyment from the process of writing or expressing yourself in other helpful ways. The changing seasons is often a great stimulus for me, offering the potential of a new start, a new page. I have also found attending my local writing for wellbeing group supportive and a good confidence boost.  

Your group of eager and mostly new international board of directors have been looking ahead to possibilities for Lapidus’ future. We hope you’ll want to get involved and dig in.

Getting stuck in

We really need your help and ideas in shaping and planning for Lapidus, building on its foundations as it continues to grow as a go-to community for writing for wellbeing.

So far, this year, we have been reviewing and updating the current code of ethics. It's a long process, and an important one. We will involve checking in with you, the members, along the way to have your input on what shape and direction the ethical code takes. We hope to be able to share the results of that review with you at the AGM in December 2023.

Contact us:  Do you think you could support the development of our updated code of ethics? Perhaps you have experiences you would like to share, or ideas about how the ways of working with each other should look like. Please get in contact with us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the heading 'Code of Ethics' so I can pass your thoughts onto the Ethical code review committee.

Join us: Want to take a big share in preparing and writing the document? Why not join us in our sub-group discussions in the drafting process.  We will be meeting in May, June and July. If you are interested in doing this let us know by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Of course, this isn't all we are up to. Here are a few other things we are working on behind the scenes:

- Creative Bridges Conference 2023: the call for papers and early bird tickets are currently open.

- The Lapidus Magazine issue 3: editor Barbara Bloomfield and her team delivered an amazing second issue, with the third coming out this Spring.

- The Lapidus Living Research community continue their streak of delivering fantastic events every first Saturday of the month.

- Our research journal, LIRIC, continues to provide high-quality and open-access research about the field of writing for wellbeing

- We are also working on updating our website (finally!), and developing our resources section for the members. More on this later in the year.

Be part of the growth

Consider becoming a director:  As you know, all directors of Lapidus are member volunteers. Recently, we have been asking ourselves about the future direction of Lapidus. Whilst we got excited about possibilities we realise that if we are to achieve these goals we need more direct help and support from members.  With your help and input we can do this.

We are looking for five Lapidus members to join the Lapidus Board of directors. We are interested in members who have a strong interest and skills in: marketing skills, practitioner development, programme development for groups, CPD knowledge and expertise, digital publication skills, fund-raising. You may only want to contribute and commit for a fixed period of time, say for a year.  During that time you could make a great contribution and develop your knowledge and skills.

Interested? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information

Wherever you are, as a member of Lapidus community I hope that you are finding inspiring satisfying ways to support your wellbeing and development through writing, drawing, music, movement, reflection, discussion, reading and more...


Val Watson 

Chair of Lapidus International


Creative Bridges 2023 - June Update
Creative Bridges 2023 - May Update

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