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1 minute reading time (126 words)

Writing, Coffee and Conversation

Let's get together, tap into our creativity and discover more about ourselves through poetry, self-reflective writing activities and conversation.

The emphasis of this group is on self-discovery and self-improvement.

We will meet at selected bespoke cafés and places of interest throughout Central London. We will use the venues to start us off and inspire our writing.

No prior knowledge of poetry or expressive writing is required, just a willingness to connectreflect and experiment with words in a supportive environment.

Charmaine Pollard is an experienced Certified Poetry Therapist, Counsellor and Life Coach with a passion for leading writing and poetry therapy workshops with a particular focus on self-awareness, confidence and resilience.

Cost: £20.00

Buy you tickets below:

Friday 12 Jan 2018: 


Sat 27 Jan 2018:


10 February 2018: 


16 February 2018:

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