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2 minutes reading time (449 words)

Balens Insurance for Lapidus International

Great news! Lapidus International has managed to arrange a deal with Balens to insure your work as practitioners in writing for wellbeing. This insurance will give you peace of mind if you are running writing groups or selling your services as it covers three areas:

* Professional Insurance. This covers alleged malpractice, such as a complaint about your practice and where there may have been a breach of your professional duties.

* Public liability. This covers accidental injuries to third parties, and third party damages.

* Product liability. This covers accidental injury to third parties caused by your products. This category may not seem that relevant for us, but in cases where members combine writing with other activities this may be very useful.



For qualified members, the annual premium is £69.

For student members (you can be a student of writing for wellbeing or a student of a wide range of therapies, see the declaration form for details) the cost for the insurance is £20 per annum.

Who is covered?

Fill in the declaration form to ensure that your particular business or practice is covered. Our insurance grouping covers a wide range of ‘therapies’ including yoga, meditation, counselling, psychotherapy, coaching and creative writing as well as many complementary therapies. Please ensure you read the declaration form fully and carefully before signing up.

How do I Sign Up?

The declaration form is available now on our website. You can find it by going to the resources section in the members hub, or by clicking on the button below. In order to qualify for this insurance, you must be a current member of Lapidus International so don’t let your membership slip!





I live outside the UK. Can I be insured?

No, this insurance deal only covers Lapidus members who live in the UK.

Can I get Balens insurance if I live outside the UK?

Balens do offer extra cover in the following countries: Spain, Greece, Cyprus, The Netherlands, Malta and South Africa. Contact Balens direct for further information.

Can I be covered on this insurance policy for groups and workshops I give that happen outside the UK?

The policy includes cover for temporary trips abroad so providing the policy holder is remaining resident of the UK, they will be covered by the policy. Please note that the USA and Canada are NOT included in this so this insurance will not cover any words for wellbeing work you might do in USA or Canada. The insurer has not put a time limit on what they class as temporary, but the insured person must remain a UK resident and the travel time must not exceed one policy year.


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