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2 minutes reading time (402 words)

Welcome to our new co-chairs!

As Dr. Kim Etherington and Dr. Jeannie Wright step down from their tenure as co-chairs of Lapidus International, I just want to say thank you for the work they have done. It has been a busy few months and Kim and Jeannie have been a driving force to keep Lapidus going and growing in this period. They have juggled responsibilities with LIRIC and the Lapidus board, they have furthered the exploration of how Lapidus can be more inclusive and diverse, they have helped the board grow bigger and they have never lost enthusiasm. A big thank you to them and I look forward to working with them more as they step back into their previous roles on the board as Director of Research and Secretary. 

And now we are looking to the future. We have two new wonderful co-chairs stepping up to replace Kim and Jeannie, both of whom have already blown me away with their excitement and ideas for the new directions that Lapidus can go in. So here is a massive Lapidus welcome to Jennifer Bertrand and Val Watson!

You can find out about our new co-chairs below:

Jennifer Bertrand, MA, CAE, is the Executive Director and Registrar of the College and Association of Opticians in Alberta, Canada. As part of her graduate studies program, she explored the power of writing for wellbeing through autoethnographic research and creative projects in relation to childhood trauma, chronic illness, caregiving, mental health, and identity/self-reconstruction. Jennifer previously volunteered on the editorial board of the LIRIC journal and served as production editor to support the launch of the first issue. In her leisure time, Jennifer enjoys writing poetry, fiction, and non-fiction.



Val Watson is an independent counselling and psychotherapy practitioner, supervisor, coach, consultant and trainer. She has worked in education settings for over 30 years and has extensive voluntary work experience with community-based organisations and projects. She has a passion for racial justice, a continuing interest in community work and learning about equalities issues and change. Val has published chapters in edited texts on race and counsellor education. She has recently stepped down from her role as Head of a University Counselling Service for students and staff. Whilst in that role Val discovered and built on the therapeutic benefits of journaling and letter writing

Amongst many other things Val’s interests include, walking, reading, music, gardening, sport, travelling, cinema, TV, singing and attempting craft projects.

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