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1 minute reading time (248 words)

International Academy for Poetry Therapy – (iaPOETRY)

“In every community, there is work to be done.
In every nation, there are wounds to heal.
In every heart, there is the power to do it.”

Marianne Williamson


“The Credentialing Organisation with Community at Heart”

We are a credentialing organisation for the field of Poetry Therapy/Bibliotherapy, where we offer credentialing as a Poetry Therapy Practitioner (PTP) and also as an iaPOETRY Mentor. Poetry Therapy/Bibliotherapy is the interactive use of literature – poetry, prose, fiction and non-fiction – to stimulate writing and other creative responses with a view to promoting self-expression, self-awareness and wellbeing.

Our community includes Mentors, Poetry Therapy Practitioners and those in training, as well as all who share an interest in the work of iaPOETRY, from around the world.

We aim to build and sustain this community by offering one another mutual support and encouragement, whether throughout training or with individual and collective projects. We believe that everyone has skills and enthusiasms to share, and that in this sharing the iaPOETRY community is nurtured and enriched.

A Poetry Therapy Practitioner is qualified to work with a range of individuals and groups in a variety of settings, with a view to promoting wellbeing.

Our team of experienced Mentors are dedicated to maintaining the highest of professional and ethical standards, and will provide you with all of the support and encouragement you need throughout your training.

We look forward to sharing the journey with you.

For further information please visit our website

Jill Teague

September 2017

Lapidus Wales Launch Day
Only in Australia


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