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1 minute reading time (180 words)

Lapidus Wales Launch Day

 Join us as we celebrate the launch of the newest regional group to join Lapidus International: Lapidus Wales.

The event will include:

* A one-hour sample words for wellbeing workshop run by Clare Scott and Annie Bell-Davies.

* An open mic for attendees to share their work

* An opportunity to network with other practitioners and interested parties in the local area

* Coffee (or tea!) and cake will also be available for purchase.

Where is this taking place?

29 Park Place, Cardiff - 10:30am


Please complete the form on our website or email us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to confirm your presence by September 30th, so we have a good idea of numbers.

Unravel Your Own Myth - Yoga and Writing
International Academy for Poetry Therapy – (iaPOET...


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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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