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1 minute reading time (282 words)



Lapidus International is seeking a candidate to lead the organisation in the future. We are seeking someone with experience in the field of therapeutic writing – preferably someone who has a history with Lapidus International and is passionate about promoting its values and leading the company onward into the future. 

Lapidus International is an expressive arts company that believes in the power of words, both spoken and written, to provide benefits to wellbeing and professional development. The company supports its members internationally by giving them opportunities to connect, develop and share in the Lapidus community.
We are hoping to recruit a strong, passionate individual who can support the board of directors to deliver the company’s vision and strategy while also believing and promoting its values.
Lapidus has no fixed office. The majority of this role will be delivered online, via email and video conferencing. Current staff and board members are based around the UK, but we will accept international applications.
Hours: Minimum required input - 2 hours a week.
This is a voluntary role. There is also the possibility to share this role with another person. 
How to apply:
Please send a short covering letter and CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. explaining your background and why you would like to be considered for this role.
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