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1 minute reading time (281 words)

World Mental Health Day 2019 round-up! #WMHD2019


Yesterday was World Mental Health Day 2019. Our outreach coordinator, Francesca, asked members to submit ideas/recommendations/creative prompts around mental health. Below is a round-up of what was provided!

1. As a small way to support your wellbeing on why not try this simple exercise? Writing briefly about one thing you can taste, touch, see, hear and feel. Thanks Jacqui Smith.

2. Mary Oliver's The Journey is one of Alison Clayburn's suggestions for a poem that boosts wellbeing.

3. On Christina Christou recommends the following: 'So start with writing how you feel, unedited for 5-6 mins. Really let it all out. If you feel you need to let it go just rip it up, throw it away.'

4. Elaine Konopka recommends this 'poem that is good for my mental health that I come back to again and again.'

5. Richard Axtell, our coordinator, suggests checking out the app SuperBetter -it's a combination of two of his favourite things to help manage and support Mental Health (among other things) - writing and gaming!

6.Here's a great exercise from Michael Loveday. Write out a dialogue between "parts" of yourself e.g. a younger and older version of you, or write an exchange between left hand and right hand (whichever is the less dominant hand voices the "vulnerable" part of you) #WMHD2019

7. If you want to cultivate a more grateful approach, Clare Stevens recommends listing 20 (!) good things that have happened each day.

Do you have anything you'd like to share regarding World Mental Health Day 2019? Why not post it in the comments below!

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