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1 minute reading time (177 words)

Special Offer from Margate Bookie!

Margate Bookie have a special offer for Lapidus members. On Sunday 23 November at 1pm at Turner Contemporary, Margate, you can apply the science of happiness to creative writing, and join two experts to explore how mindfulness can enhance your storytelling powers.

Elise Valmorbida, award-winning Faber author and creative writing teacher, and Vanessa King, leading positive psychologist and author, will explore how to engage your senses, calm and focus the mind, connect experience with words, access deeper levels of creativity, and write freely. More details are here.

Tickets are only £6, but Margate Bookie are offering a 2 for 1 deal for Lapidus members. This means that if you bring a pal, you each get in for the bargain price of £3.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, and enjoy an afternoon at the seaside exploring wellbeing, happiness, and creativity, please email me and I will pass on your details and let you know how to pay.

If you want to see more about Margate Bookie and their jam packed weekend, head here


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