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1 minute reading time (137 words)

The Power of Re-Writing Your Life

This weekend, a good friend of mine attended the first-ever Stockholm Writers Festival, where Jessica Lourey was a guest speaker. Ms. Lourey, an author and writing facilitator, has a moving story about the role of stories in her life – specifically, how re-writing your most difficult moments can bring a new perspective, closure, and freedom.

Here she is in a poignant and motivating Ted Talk from 2016, where she explains how she “dug herself out of prison, one word at a time.”




Elaine Konopka is a writer and the founder of The Attentive Body, offering one-on-one sessions in attention-based bodywork and pain management. Her Write & Breathe workshops combine writing for wellbeing and conscious breathing. You can read more of and about her work on her website ( and in her free monthly newsletter (


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