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3 minutes reading time (551 words)

A New Magazine for Lapidus International

The Lapidus International Journal is being revived and revamped this year. It will be published online in a magazine format offering a platform for Lapidus members and others, working in, and curious about, the world of writing for wellbeing. It will be a place to share ideas, challenges and successes. There will be a Creative Space for original creative writing from our members and a Breathing Space for all things wellbeing. We’ll bring news to you from the regions and other Lapidus members around the world. A redesign will bring in more photographs and illustrations to create a fresh and visually appealing publication.

A first edition is planned for Autumn/Winter 2021.


We are now looking for contributions of short articles and more in-depth features for our first issue.

If you have an experience from the world of writing and wellbeing that you think may be of interest and you’d like to share, please do get in touch.


You may like to consider the following areas:

-   Projects you have been involved with, as practitioners or participants.

-   Training and professional development in the field.

-   Activities that you have engaged with or facilitated during a workshop.

-   Sharing your successes and/or your challenges.

-   Creative work that has come out of writing for wellbeing.

-   Reviews of recent creative publications.

-   Other wellbeing activities that you integrate into your practice or undertake yourself.

If you have an idea not covered here, please do get in touch for a chat.


We are also looking for images for the new publication. Each edition will feature a front cover image and there will also be space inside for a gallery of members’ artwork. If you have any photographs, illustrations or artworks that have associations with writing for wellbeing and that you’d be happy to share with us, we’d love to hear from you.


We are looking for original in-depth features of up to 2000 words and shorter articles of up to 500 words.

Please send all written submissions in Word format.

We are looking for original artwork for which you hold copyright. Please supply digitally in .png or .jpg format. 

Please also provide a short biography about yourself of up to no more than 100 words.



If your submission is more research-based then you may consider submitting it to our sister publication the LIRIC Journal.

If your submission is time-limited, such as publicity for an event or upcoming workshop, then we will forward this on to the monthly Lapidus Newsletter.


We are also seeking a team of writers who may be interested in working with us on more of a regular basis, following up on ideas that we hear about or suggestions from our members.

If you’d like to join our Writing Team or find out more, please get in touch.



For more information or to submit, contact Helen Foster.

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