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Lapidus News

Words, wellness and writing!

A New Magazine for Lapidus International

The Lapidus International Journal is being revived and revamped this year. It will be published online in a magazine format offering a platform for Lapidus members and others, working in, and curious about, the world of writing for wellbeing. It will be a place to share ideas, challenges and successes. There will be a Creative Space for original creative writing from our members and a Breathing Space for all things wellbeing. We’ll bring news to you from the regions and other Lapidus members around the world. A redesign will bring in more photographs and illustrations to create a fresh and visually appealing publication.

A first edition is planned for Autumn/Winter 2021.

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  1485 Hits
1485 Hits

The Importance of Nature Time


*Look up*

A few years ago, on a trip to London, I met a woman named Clare. She runs a project called Urban Curiosity. We ordered lattes and deliciously buttery breakfast treats, and I asked her, “What’s this project all about?”

It’s pretty simple. Mainly, she leads people on walking tours throughout the city of London. People wander through different neighborhoods, and through beautiful green parks, noticing the trees, noticing the sky, the clouds, the pets, the people. The only rule is that you have to put away your phone. No photos. No videos. No texting. Just walk.

“I want to inspire people to look up, not down,” Clare told me.

I remember feeling a rush of energy in my body, almost like my skin was tingling, when Clare said those words. I remember thinking, Yes. Yes. A thousand times, yes.

I watched a short film about a man who set up a high-powered telescope on a random sidewalk in Los Angeles and invited strangers to peek inside and look at the moon. It’s incredible how each person—all ages, all kinds of people—react in the same way. “Oh my god. Wow. Just…oh my God.” The filmmaker concludes this tiny, 3-minute film by saying:

“We should look up more often.”

Imagine if we looked up into the sky, and into people’s eyes, as often as we look down at our phones. Imagine the difference it would make. We would all walk around shimmering, awestruck, grateful, just one big collective WOW.

At least once a week, I have one of those weary, frazzled moments when my to-do list feels never-ending…when my inbox feels frighteningly full…when the quarterly reports come in and the book sales aren’t as high as I thought they would be…when I feel very small and very insignificant. Those are the moments when I feel tempted to dive into a digital device to escape and numb out. Instead, next time, I will try to remind myself:

Look up.

The answer I’m seeking is not down on my laptop screen, or my phone. It’s up. It’s out there. It’s above and beyond. In the trees, the sky, and the stars.

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  1997 Hits
1997 Hits

Lapidus International to announce change of name


With the start if this new month, we are happy to announce our plans to change Lapidus International's name to a new, improved name: Writey Alrighty.

"We think it's a really cool name," says the chair of Lapidus, Barbara Bloomfield. "It really says what we believe in: that if you write, you'll feel alright." 

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  1914 Hits
1914 Hits

Back to my Roots - Poetry Inspired by Trees


I went to the Creative Writing group in Avebury today. It was perfect. The room we were in looked over the stones and the local pub. It was a day of sunshine, then showers, then sun again, just in time for our walk! Magic. 

One suggested prompt was from the walk and I was drawn to the well known "trees" and their amazing roots. This was the inspiration for a poem about my childhood.
"The Trees" are very, very old near the Avebury stones. As I stood and looked at them, I was struck by how their roots seemed to be almost above the ground. 
In my head, I heard the words " back to my roots", which took me back to my childhood. These places such as Avebury, Stonehenge and Glastonbury always affect me emotionally.
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  2066 Hits
2066 Hits

“To the 18-year-old kid I stopped on SR10”

 “To the 18-year-old kid I stopped on SR10”

That’s the start of an open letter written by a police officer in North Ridgeville, Ohio a few months ago. The short missive, which directly addresses a young man caught doing 100 mph in a 65-mph zone, is an interesting example of expressive writing in letter form. The officer describes the speeder’s reaction when he was stopped; expresses anger at his disregard for the possible consequences of his driving; talks about past experiences with fatal crashes involving young people who were going too fast; and relates his own feelings about having issued the speeding ticket.

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  2165 Hits
2165 Hits

From The Desk - A Spooky October Update

Every month, Richard, the Lapidus International Coordinator, is going to write a ‘From The Desk’ article to give an update of the day-to-day activity that goes on in the Lapidus International Office. This is the very first one of those updates and it's extra spooky!


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  2459 Hits
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@BRoymacauley Roymacauley
Looking forward to writing a few spooky lines. It is not too late with the dark late evenings coming. See you at the AGM bARBARA... Read More
Monday, 05 November 2018 11:30
2459 Hits
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The Power of Re-Writing Your Life

This weekend, a good friend of mine attended the first-ever Stockholm Writers Festival, where Jessica Lourey was a guest speaker. Ms. Lourey, an author and writing facilitator, has a moving story about the role of stories in her life – specifically, how re-writing your most difficult moments can bring a new perspective, closure, and freedom.

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  3011 Hits
3011 Hits


I’m a notebook freak.

I buy them whenever I come across them. Spiral-bound or stapled; hardcover or soft; all sizes, shapes, and colors; extra points if the cover makes me laugh. I prefer them with lines: pale blue tracks that route my train of thought, long corridors where my words run like the bulls in Spain: coursing, angular, driven.

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  3234 Hits
3234 Hits

Only in Australia

I'm pinching myself as I sit in Professor Tony Attwood's glass consulting room, looking out over a tropical garden of palms and guava trees down towards a creek surrounded by lush greenery. As he talks, a two foot long, scaly green and yellow lizard hops onto a rock outside his window, tail thrashing. It's all I can do not to squeak.

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  2483 Hits
2483 Hits