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1 minute reading time (178 words)

The Power of Words - Transformative Language Arts Conference


Join the Transformative Language Arts Network on September 26-29th, 2019 at The Casa Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, Arizona for their 16th Annual Power of Words Conference: Transformation, Liberation, and Celebration Through the Spoken, Written, and Sung Word. 

Find your voice with workshops, performances, talking circles, celebration, and more, featuring writers, storytellers, performers, musicians, community leaders, activists, educators, and health professionals.

The conference, founded in 2003, features workshops in four tracks: narrative medicine, social change, right livelihood (and making a living through the arts), ecological literacy, and engaged spirituality.



If you'd like to share some news on this news hub, get in touch with our coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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