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1 minute reading time (156 words)

Writing about Climate Change - Writing Course

Writing about Climate Change, Friday 23rd March - Sunday 25th March 2018

On this course, writers will experiment with a variety of different approaches to writing about climate change. Investigate ways of tapping our emotional reactions, of using research, imagining possible scenarios, and generating meaningful stories. How do we expose and write about that often hidden connection between our profligate use of fossil fuels and the loss of habitat, life and lifestyle that many in the world are already experiencing? Whether you are a poet, a fiction writer or prefer factual writing we will discuss the many facets of climate change and the ways in which its impact is felt both by participants on this course and people throughout the world.



Tutors / David Thorpe & Emily Hinshelwood

Course Fee / From £220 - £295 per person (Discount for Lapidus Members - Quote lapidus18 when booking for a 10% discount)
Genre Nature
Find out more information here.
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