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Poetry and Writing with Burrswood Health & Wellbeing

Burrswood Health & Wellbeing invites you to a day of creative writing .

Spend a day with Charlie Bell exploring how writing can boost wellness and wellbeing. The day will be largely practical and will give everyone a chance to write and reflect. It will suit those who already enjoy writing as well as those who wish to put a toe in creative waters. Depending on the weather we will go out into the beautiful grounds to seek inspiration and experience the healing powers of nature and imaginative writing.

The day is about how writing can be used to free up the mind and spirit in order to be creative. It will consist of writing exercises and discussions. At the end of the workshop you will have discussed the topic, worked with others, written some poetry or prose and shared it all with the rest of the group. The workshop is not designed as a clinical therapy session although it may well be therapeutic. Health professionals may find the day of interest as long as they realise that the day is practical, not theoretical. The workshop is about relaxing, being creative and having fun.

Burrswood is set in beautiful grounds in Groombridge, East Sussex.

Date: Tuesday 27th February

Time: 9.30am – 4.00pm.

Tickets £50 per person to include tea, coffee and pastries, a 3 course lunch and cream tea. (What’s not to like?)

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