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2 minutes reading time (398 words)

A Message from the Chair

This month's newsletter has been a bit of an adventure - madness with Mailchimp causing malicious malfunctions! On top of that, our chair's introduction got lost somewhere in the technological ether. Here is the introduction for you all to read so you don't miss out and we should be back up and running smoothly by next month. Enjoy! - Richard 

Dear members

Another hectic month for our organisation before we slide towards the quieter energies of winter.

We have been making preparations for the AGM which will take place on January 18th 2020 in Birmingham.  We will be launching the report from our consultation ‘Creative Practices for Wellbeing Framework’, funded by the TS Eliot Foundation and will also be providing a sample workshop on skills for working with mental health.  More details and booking facilities to follow soon!

Sadly, we have had to say goodbye to Bev Murray who has resigned from the Board for health reasons.  She will be much missed, for her input has been invaluable.  With expertise in psychology and business management, she provided insight and guidance that has helped us to be more effective and she led the development of our mission statement and 'How to' Guides.  Thank you Bev, we will miss you.

We have been putting flesh on the structure of two bids that we drafted at our bid design sprint in June.  So we will be submitting an application for a small fund to create a training course for members to Awards for All and one for a larger amount to Paul Hamlyn for the development of online provisions.

I was disappointed that no one has expressed an interest in providing a support role for the NAWE conference in the North of England this year.  This was an opportunity to begin a practice that could be developed in future years.  I hope Seraphima will extend an invitation for next year when the NAWE conference is to be held in the West of England.  Does anyone want to join the Lapidus team to write an article for their Journal? If interested, please contact me via my email.

We are already talking with Claire Williamson at the Metanoia Institute about a conference for 2021, following this year’s success.

As always, please contact me with ideas or concerns and we will do our best to give you a good service.

Best wishes

Clare Scott (Dr)


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