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3 minutes reading time (523 words)

Call for Collaborative Voices - Developing Lapidus’ Ethics Guidance

Sue Spencer & Kate Mattacks are currently writing new ethics guidance to be approved by the Board soon.  We aim to create a more welcoming space for new and experienced practitioners to find guidance on a range of ethical issues relating to how to prepare for practice, working in settings, links to further advice and CPD training, issues arising from COVID-19 pandemic work and a FAQ section. Having worked in a variety of settings, from hospitals, prisons, universities, and other communities we’ve gained insight into the ethical queries and questions we might face as writing for wellbeing facilitators but would like to ask for members’ collective help. 

We would love to hear from you if you have:

-   A question relating to ethics which you’d like answered

-   An experience of how you have solved an ethical issue

-   A resource you have found useful in navigating writing for wellbeing work

-   A particular insight into how we can create more inclusive practice

-   Experiences/issues as a result of working during the pandemic

Please email either Kate at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Sue at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 1/09/2021.                         

The basis for an inclusive community begins with giving clear guidance to support and encourage best practice, clear expectations for practitioners alongside toolkits of resources in different formats, welcoming other voices, providing glossaries to demystify terms and listening to the experiences of others.  Our guiding principles are as follows:

L - Liaise with participants to create an explicit contract outlining working alliances, costs, practitioner experience/qualifications and your joint expectations.  

A - Acknowledge and encourage confidentiality within the workspace and make safeguarding guidelines clear regarding harm to self/others.   

P - Promote inclusion, diversity, and the value of human experience by providing a safe space where all voices can be heard.  

I - Identify and comply with the safeguarding, ethical and legal policies which exist in your workplace setting and wider country.

D - Do no harm, ensuring that participants are not exploited creatively, financially, or sexually.  

U - Understand the importance of self-care, reflective practice, self/peer supervision and CPD within your work and be accountable for monitoring your work.  

S - Share your insights with the writing for wellbeing community and maintain the professional standing of Lapidus throughout your work and research practice.


- written by Kate Mattacks and Sue Spencer

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