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1 minute reading time (239 words)

New Workshops from Read Write Express - Meditate 'n' Write Jan-Feb 2018

As an experienced yoga, meditation and sound healing tutor, I have decided to combine elements of these practices together with writing to create a space where you can become grounded, tune in and access your imagination and awareness at a new level.

Writing for wellbeing is a way of using writing to develop self awareness, confidence and curiosity about yourself and different facets and components of your life.  The writing is produced using different exercises and can be shared with others in a supportive setting.  Hearing yourself voice your own words can be very informative and affirming.  Style and form are unimportant - what is important is the content and its meaning to you. There is more information on my website.

The next monthly evening workshops are at Mycenae House, SE3 7SE from 7.30 to 9.30pm on the following dates:-

    24 January 2018

    28 February 2018

 For more information and to book one or more workshops, click on either of the dates above.

Narayani L Guibarra

Read Write Express

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0796 247 0611

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