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1 minute reading time (196 words)

From the Desk: Updates, Resources, How-to Guides - oh my!

The more eagle-eyed of you may have noticed that our website has been going through a few updates recently. The biggest change is the introduction of our new resources page - a link can be found to it in the menu bar at the top of the website.

We hope that with the introduction of this page, it will make finding things on our website a little bit simpler. 

Currently on this page, you will find access to:
- Our brand new How-to Guides pages full of information for beginning words for wellbeing practitioners (and for those who just want to brush up on their knowledge). While you're there, why not answer our latest questionnaire?
Lapidus Groups pages - now open to the public. Find a group in your local area!
- Information about our Lapidus Member Insurance.
- Our Bibliography (still in need of an update - it's on our to-do list!)
- Our Membership Directory - want to show off your skills? Put something here!
- Everything to do with our two Lapidus Journals!
So head on over to our new resources section now and check it out.


More updates to the website coming soon!

The LIRIC Journal is open for submissions!
World Mental Health Day 2019 round-up! #WMHD2019

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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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